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  'I've just been speaking with Richard Evans,' he boomed. 'He has told me, instructed me, ordered me to release this little bitch!'


  'You heard. We're to let her go!'

  'And follow me, I suppose,' Emily said.

  'No, my dear. We're to free you, unconditionally.'

  'But why?' Swain asked, mystified.

  'Richard seems to think that it will help him to get Rebecca back. He's lost his wife, and now his daughter, and he's far from happy! Things haven't been going too well for him lately. I don't know why, but he seems to have some sympathy for Kelley and her girls. He's already threatened to close the centres down. I don't know what's got into him!'

  'Losing his family, that's what! I said that you should never have captured...'

  'I had no choice, did I? Anyway, this little bitch isn't going anywhere - apart from the cottage, that is. When the men have finished with her, I'll take her to the cottage myself. Richard knows nothing of the place, so we can still use her, make money from her.'

  'But what about Mrs...'

  'Don't worry about her; I'll put young Emily in the cottage, not in the outhouse. Richard's becoming increasingly pissed off with everything and I think it best that we make more use of the cottage before he does something rash, don't you?'

  'Yes, you're right.'

  'I'll go and get the first three men.'

  Showing the young men into the room, Fowler grinned. 'She's all yours!' he said magnanimously. 'Have fun!' As one man stood on the table and offered his hard penis to her mouth, Emily realized that her fantasy was about to become reality. With one man behind her and one in front, she opened her mouth and sucked in the glowing head. Rolling her tongue round, her heart leaped as the man behind stabbed between her buttocks and pressed his knob deep inside her bowels. As his entire length slipped in to the hilt, filling and stretching her velveteen tube, the other man parted her swollen lips and drove his shaft deep into her hot vaginal sheath.

  Her body impaled on three hard shafts, Emily rolled her eyes and suckled like a babe at the breast as the pummelling began. She knew that she'd have a better chance of escaping once out of the centre. She realized, too, that this might be her last chance to experience the attentions of three men - and she was determined to enjoy it. 'Are you monitoring channel twenty, Fowler?'

  'Yes, I am. And what do you have for me this time, Jo?'

  'I think Hannah suspects me. She wants me to blow the cottage up. I don't know what to do.'

  'Does she, now? Well, it's probably a test, to check your loyalty and all that.'

  'That's what I thought, but I can't wreck your cottage, can I?'

  'Yes, you can. It's Swain's, not mine. Actually, you'd be doing me the biggest favour yet by blowing the cottage away.'

  'How do you mean?'

  'Let's just say that you'd be killing two birds with one stone. When's it to be?'

  'Now. She wants me to do it now.'

  'Give me two hours to clear some things out of the cottage, will you?'

  'All right, but no tricks, Fowler!'

  'Listen, I need you as much as you need the money. I wouldn't trick you, Jo. But I would like to know where Kelley's base is, and Rebecca.'

  'Two hours, okay?'

  'Two hours, and make a good job of it! I don't want one inch of that place left standing!'

  Slipping into the room, Fowler watched the three men enjoying themselves with Emily. Her body swaying, her mouth full, he could see that all four were loving every minute - but time was short. Fetching the men awaiting their turn, he led them into the room. 'I want this over with quickly,' he said tersely. 'There's no time to play around. Each have your turn with her, and then go.'

  As the bulging knob exploded in her hot mouth, Emily sucked and drank the sperm as it gushed. Two men mouthed her elongated nipples, bringing her ever nearer to her climax as her tight holes swelled and the solid penises pumped their orgasms deep into her pelvis. The drained knob slipped from her mouth, only to be replaced with another fresh, hard penis. Immediately, she sucked and tongued the head, still savouring the salty sperm of its predecessor.

  Floating in her erotic heaven, Emily became aware of mouths, tongues, teeth, devouring her body, seeking out her mounds, her curves, her crevices, leaving not one inch of tingling flesh unattended. For the first time in her life, her entire body was alive, burning with sexual desire.

  Her vaginal sheath full, her bottom-hole bloated, the penises withdrew, allowing her folds momentary respite before two more shafts penetrated her aching body to open her again. Suddenly, her mouth was awash with sperm, pumping, gushing, running down her chin as she sucked and swallowed. Her clitoris erupted as another hard knob pressed itself into her wet mouth and waited for her tongue to begin its rolling caresses. The sensations driving her wild, she thought she'd leave her body as the swollen knob in her bottom suddenly burst, filling her to saturation as someone massaged a spectacular climax from her clitoris.

  Induced by her spasming, her vagina filled with an explosive, shuddering male orgasm, sending her to the edge of consciousness as it pumped and gushed. Her entire being was writhing in orgasm now, taking her to such sexual heights she'd never have believed possible.

  A second knob pushed its way alongside the first into her mouth, stretching her lips open, forcing her tongue back as it swelled. Sucking hard, trying to move her tongue full circle to elicit the fruits, she shuddered as her clitoris fluttered again before consuming her in its wondrous climax. To her delight, all four men came in unison, pumping their sperm into her holes, into her mouth, as they grunted and groaned.

  She was there, she knew as her mouth overflowed and the milky liquid splattered over her flushed breasts - she had arrived at the zenith of sexual pleasure. Shuddering, her legs trembling, her senses dazed, she rolled her eyes as her aching clitoris blew her high up into the clouds of lust where she floated in the dark warmth of her sexual heaven.

  Hanging from her chains like a rag doll, she opened her eyes and watched the men leave as her ecstasy waned. Only one remained, standing before her, gazing at her trembling body, at the sperm pouring down her thighs and pooling between her feet.

  'And now it's my turn,' he murmured, kneeling between her legs and pulling her red lips apart. Immediately, his tongue located her clitoris and began to encircle the tiny protrusion. She gasped, throwing her head back as he took her into his hot mouth to suck out another orgasm. Crying out as her body convulsed, she thought she'd die from the depraved pleasure gushing from her swollen valley. Holding her breath, she squeezed her eyes shut as every muscle became rigid in the grips of her climax, as her soul shuddered.

  Sustaining her pleasure with his hot tongue, only when she'd fallen limp, her climax receded, did the man rise to push his granite knob into her drenched slit. As he pounded her cervix, she lifted her head and gazed at him, wondering where she'd seen him, from where she knew his face. But in her sexual haze, she knew nothing.

  To her relief, he came within seconds, ramming her tethered body, thrusting his fruits deep into her womb, stretching her lips open until the delicate tissue ached. Grabbing her buttocks, he made his last groaning thrusts before he, too, fell limp and his penis slipped from her fiery hole. Panting for breath, he sat at her feet looking up at her naked swollen pussy lips.

  'Please unchain me!' she pleaded as he rose to his feet and buckled his belt.

  'I can't do that, I'm afraid,' he replied, taking her head in his hands and kissing her wet lips. 'Sorry, but I can't do that.'

  At least he'd shown some compassion, Emily thought as the man left the room. At least he'd felt something for her. But then, as she remembered where she'd seen his face before, tears welled and she hung her head in sudden realization. There wasn't one man in the land who wouldn't take advantage of her, use her body. 'I hate men!' she screamed. 'Bastards, I hate them!' But mostly, she screamed for the man she'd thought had had some feeling for her - Jo's brother.

'Right!' Fowler growled as he unchained her. 'You're coming with me to the cottage. You'll like it there, it's warm and cosy.' Emily said nothing as he led her from the building, rambling on about giving her one last chance of freedom if she'd tell him where Hannah's base was. But she had a chance of freedom, a chance to escape from the cottage, she knew, as he dragged her defenceless body through the wood. There was no security there, no chains, no whips, no straps - only Fowler stood between her and freedom.

  Pushing her into an armchair, he tied her up before fetching Mrs Evans. Tethering the woman to the other armchair, he stood back and grinned as he introduced the women to each other. 'You won't be able to have a chat,' he explained, drawing the heavy curtains. 'You see, I've got to gag you both. I'll explain why in a moment.'

  Biting into her gag and grimacing as Fowler tied it tight, Emily was aware that something was very wrong. She realized that Fowler was well aware that Hannah knew of the cottage, so why keep her there? For a few seconds, relief washed over her. There was a chance that Hannah would come to the cottage. But her relief was short-lived.

  'In precisely one hour, this place will be blown up!' Fowler laughed. Emily's brown eyes opened wide as he continued. 'The EFW are going to blow it up - poetic justice, is it not? Your friend, Jo, is a spy. She's told me that Hannah Kelley has instructed her to destroy this place. But what she doesn't know is that she'll be killing two birds with one stone!'

  Struggling, the prisoners could do nothing to escape their fate. Fowler only laughed, his narrow eyes mirroring the evil burning away at his soul. Suddenly his expression became stony. Moving towards the middle-aged woman, he took out his penis and waved it threateningly in her face. 'There's plenty of time for this,' he said menacingly, kneeling between her feet. 'Plenty of time for a good fuck, don't you agree, Mrs Evans? Think of it as your last request. Well, mine, anyway!'

  Chapter Seven

  Eventually reaching the cottage, Jo dumped her heavy bag on the ground and crouched behind some bushes, wondering whether anyone was inside or not. Throwing a stone at the front door, she waited. 'Good,' she whispered, creeping across the lawn with the bag. 'I don't want to kill anyone.'

  Strategically placing six bombs around the cottage walls, she set the timers and made her escape into the woods, only resting when she was a good two miles away. Pulling her radio out, she switched to channel twenty and called Fowler.

  'Good!' he responded excitedly to her news. 'So how long before the place goes up?'

  'About ten minutes.'

  'And how far away are you?'

  'A couple of miles, I suppose, why?'

  Guffawing uncontrollably, Fowler managed to tell Jo the horrifying truth. 'I can't stop laughing!' he spluttered. 'God, you're a stupid bitch! Emily Johnson is in the cottage! She's tied to an armchair awaiting her fate!'

  Dropping her bag, Jo froze. Her big blue eyes filling with tears, she listened to Fowler's insane laughter emanating from the radio. Her stomach churned and her legs turned to jelly as the laughter droned on, punctuated with graphic descriptions of what was about to happen to Emily's body. She could never reach the cottage in time, she knew. But she couldn't stand there doing nothing.

  Her heart pounding, her eyes blurred with tears, she sprinted through the woods towards the cottage, wailing for Emily, her sorrow for all the wrong she'd done her. Tripping over a fallen branch, she lay prostrate, clutching handfuls of leaves and dirt in her agitation as she sobbed hysterically.

  The massive explosions shook the wood, reverberating through the trees - through Jo's torn mind. Squeezing her eyes shut, she wished she were dead. Banging her fists, her head on the ground until blood poured from her wounds, she eventually passed out. 'It was the cottage!' Fowler yelled as he rushed through the woods with Swain. 'They've blown up the bloody cottage!'

  'Christ! They'll be dead!' Swain cried as they arrived to see smoke billowing from a pile of rubble. 'Now we're in trouble!'

  'No we're not,' Fowler reasoned, his thin lips curling into an evil grin. 'No one will know that the women were in there. Don't you see? The EFW have dealt with the problem for us.'

  'We must tell Evans!'

  'Why? He thinks his wife ran off somewhere. He doesn't need to know about this. And no one will miss the girl, will they?'

  Making their way back to the centre, Swain asked Fowler the EFW's motives for destroying the cottage. 'They probably didn't want us to use it as part of the escape routine,' he replied unconvincingly. 'I reckon Kelley will give up when she discovers what she's done to Emily Johnson.'

  'Possibly, but there again, it might strengthen her resolve.'

  'No, I don't think so. Anyway, Evans is bound to find out sooner or later so...'


  'Well... I'll tell Kelley, and she'll tell Evans.'

  'She wouldn't admit to murder! Anyway, it might be best not to tell her.'

  'I already have. I guessed it was the cottage and...'

  'You never stop to think, do you, Ron? You just rush into things without planning, thinking. It seems odd to me that they blow up the cottage within hours of you taking Emily Johnson there.'

  'What are you getting at?'

  'Nothing. I just find it odd.'

  'They wouldn't have done it if they'd known she was there, woman!'

  'No, but if someone had told them to destroy the cottage knowing that the girl was in there...'

  'That's ridiculous!' Fowler blasted. 'Who would do that?'

  'I wonder, Ron - I wonder.' Hannah picked up the microphone and called Jo again. Throwing it down impatiently, she turned to see Julia climbing down the ladder. 'Where the hell have you been?' she asked angrily.

  'You told me to bugger off, so...'

  'I can't make contact with Jo. She went off to blow up that cottage near the centre, and I've heard nothing from her since.'

  'Why blow the cottage up?'

  'I have my reasons.'

  'Well, don't worry, she'll be all right.'

  'But I am worried! Where the hell is she? And where the hell is Diana? I haven't seen Maria for ages. Everyone's gone missing!'

  'I don't know! I'm sure they're all right, Hannah.'

  'Mary's on leave, Maria's disappeared, and Jo, and Diana, by the look of it, and Emily...'

  'You know why, don't you?'

  'No, I don't!'

  'There was a lot of talk about... Well, you and Emily.'

  'What about us?'

  'You know, the things you did together. And no one liked the way you... the things you did to Rebecca and Rose.'

  'So everyone's buggered off because they didn't like... bloody stupid! Anyway, what do you think?'

  'Nothing. It's up to you what you do, and who you do it with. Frankly, I don't care any more. I only wish we could on with the fight instead of having to put up with all this about lesbians!'

  'We've no one keeping watch up the tree, no one to get supplies, no one to... Will you go to the cottage? See what's happened?'

  'All right. What are you going to do?'

  'Take Rose to join Rebecca. I've found somewhere safe to keep them. Take a radio, and keep in touch - I don't want you disappearing too!' Fowler entered Richard Evans's office and sat down. 'Hallo, Richard. You wanted to see me?' he said cautiously.

  'Yes, I do. Things couldn't be worse! What the hell are you doing about my daughter?'

  'Everything I can, Richard, I promise you.'

  'Well, it's not enough! Anyway, I didn't only ask you to come here about Rebecca. There's someone I'd like you to meet in the office next door. But before I have her brought in, I want to ask you something. In your considered opinion, how effective do you think the correction centres are? I mean, they were initially set up to try and change the way some women think, but now, from the reports I've been getting, they seem to be nothing more than sexual torture chambers.'

  'What reports?'

  'That's my business, Ron. Are the centres worthwhile? Do they have any real value?'

p; 'Yes, of course they do! We are freeing several women every week, women who have come to see that their protests are futile.'

  'I've heard that you're making a lot of money from the women.'

  'No, that's not true. The centres are doing a good job. All right, my methods may not suit everyone, but they work.'

  'I may well call in and see for myself sometime - I won't say when, of course. Now, I'll have my visitor brought in.'

  Two security officers marched a young blonde into the room and stood her before Fowler. The petite girl was no more than eighteen, and Fowler couldn't conceal his wicked grin as he looked down to her small, rounded breasts. Her big blue eyes mirrored her fear as she gazed at him, suddenly realizing her mistake.

  'This is Roxanne Kelley,' Evans revealed.

  'Hannah Kelley's sister?' Fowler gasped, dragging his gaze from the girl's breasts to her pretty mouth.

  'Yes. She came to talk to me about amnesty for Hannah. She's worried about her safety, you see.'

  'Richard, let me take her back to the centre.'

  'No, I can't allow you to...'

  'You do want Rebecca back, don't you?'

  'Yes, of course I do!'

  'Then I promise you that I'll have her returned to you within hours of me taking this little... Roxanne Kelley to the centre.'

  'All right, but no rough stuff, Ron! Do you understand?'

  'Please!' the girl screamed. 'Don't let him take me, Mr Evans!'

  'It's all right,' Fowler appeased, his narrow piercing eyes afire with lust. 'There'll be no rough stuff.'

  'Take her to the centre!' Evans conceded.

  Struggling as she was led from the office, Roxanne caught Fowler's eyes. Winking at her, he licked his lips and smiled as she screamed for her freedom.

  'I'll look forward to seeing you later!' Fowler called as the door closed.

  'No dirty stuff, Ron!' Evans warned.

  'No, no dirty stuff,' Fowler repeated, imagining the young girl naked and chained. 'No dirty stuff.' Her hands tied behind her back, Rose followed Hannah through the forest, asking for the third time where she was taking her.

  'We'll be there in a minute!' Hannah snapped.