Submission Page 13
'Bad mood? Just come on, have you?' Rose asked sarcastically.
'You'll bloody well come on in a minute if you don't shut up!'
'Things going wrong for you? Why not just give up?'
'Right, this is the place!' Hannah exclaimed, leading the way through some brambles. 'Here we are - an old World War Two air raid shelter. Well hidden, off the beaten track, it's ideal!'
Tied to a chair, Rebecca looked up as the girls entered the large concrete bunker. 'I'm cold!' she complained.
'Don't worry, as soon as I've put someone in charge of you both, I'll have this place transformed. I may even make it my base,' Hannah replied, tying Rose to another chair.
'The spy will tell my father where we are,' Rebecca warned.
'No, she won't. The spy, as you so aptly call her, doesn't know about this place.'
'I wouldn't be too sure of that.'
'Anyway, I know who she is,' Hannah smiled.
'She's bluffing!' Rose rejoined.
'Am I? Let me tell you this - not only do I know who she is, but I have plans for her. Anyway, I have things to do. I'll bring you both some blankets later, and I might even warm you up a little - if the fancy takes me!'
'You talk of women's rights on the one hand, yet you lower yourself to Fowler's level on the other!' Rebecca accused. 'Why not admit it? You have no concern for anyone or anything other than yourself! All this is just a game to you, isn't it?'
'It's far from a game! And as far as lowering myself to Fowler's level is concerned, I look at it this way. He fights dirty, below the belt, literally! All I'm doing is using the same methods. Someone like Fowler isn't going to listen to reason. He only understands sexual abuse. And you two condone it!'
'But you love to play around with women's bodies. You're nothing more than a lesbian!'
Hannah contemplated her naked prisoners, deep in thought. She had become a lesbian, she was sure. But was it so very wrong for a girl to love another girl's body - the soft, gentle, curvaceous femininity of the female form?
Sitting with her legs slightly parted, Rebecca's voluptuous shaven lips swelled between her young thighs. There was no confusion in Hannah's mind now - she wanted to kiss Rebecca there, lick her sweet groove, bring out her tiny clitoris.
'I am a lesbian,' Hannah admitted.
'You're worse than a lesbian! You whip us, thrash us and...'
'Shut up, Rebecca! You enjoyed it as much as I did, if not more! Can you honestly say that you don't have lesbian tendencies? No, of course you can't!'
'All right, I may have enjoyed it, but you instigated it. I had no choice! Any normal woman would come if she had her clitoris rubbed, her pussy fingered, her...'
'You both enjoy my attentions, so stop talking rubbish! Anyway, I've things to do. I'll tell you this before I go - I'm becoming increasingly pissed off with everything. This is no kind of life! Evans may well have had a vision of a new country, but Fowler is holding him back, not me. Instead of blindly backing him, think about the future, women's future - your future. You say that I lower myself to Fowler's level, that's as may be - but you've seen nothing yet! When I return, I'll show you both what Fowler really does to those poor girls!' Roxanne Kelley turned to face Fowler as he flung the steel door open and walked down the steps to the basement room. 'How sweet you are in your little summer dress!' he exclaimed as he placed a chair before her. 'Take it off for me and we'll see what you're wearing underneath!'
'No, please - I don't want to!'
'Of course you want to! Or would you prefer me to take it off for you?'
'No, I...'
'You don't want this, do you?' he asked, dangling a leather whip before her as he sat down.
Unbuttoning the front of her dress, Roxanne slipped it from her shoulders to reveal her tight bra to his piercing eyes. Letting the dress fall to the ground, she crossed her arms in an effort to conceal the swell of her young breasts. 'Red bra and matching panties,' Fowler breathed, his narrow eyes feasting on the bulging red material between her thighs. 'How I love young girls! Tell me, my dear, are you a virgin?'
'No, I...'
'Oh, so you have a boyfriend, do you?'
'Tell me what he does to you. Does he lick between your legs, suck your cunt?'
'What a waste! Tell me, do you suck his cock?'
'Oh dear, how sad. I think I'll have to teach you a thing or two about sex, don't you?'
'No, please...'
'Have you ever been licked by another girl? A school friend, perhaps?'
'Of course not!'
'Then I'll have to ask Lesley Swain to teach you about lesbian sex, won't I? You'll love fingering and licking her pussy as she sucks between your young cunt lips!'
'Please, I don't...'
'How about masturbation? Surely, you masturbate?'
'No? Have you never slipped a vibrator between your girlie lips and stiffened your little clitoris?'
'You're perverted! Of course I haven't!'
'Oh, come on! Surely you've slipped your fingers between your pussy lips and rubbed your little spot?'
'Never! And I wouldn't tell you even if I had!'
'Then I think that's where we'll start. You can lie on the table and masturbate while I watch. Now then, which are you going to take off first, your bra, or your panties?'
Her heart racing, her hands trembling, Roxanne gazed at the whip dangling threateningly from Fowler's hand. Reaching behind her back, she unclipped her bra and peeled it from her firm rounded breasts. 'Wonderful!' Fowler exclaimed. 'What lovely little nipples you have! How old are you, seventeen, eighteen?'
'Eighteen,' she replied solemnly.
'Eighteen! How sweet, how fresh you are, my dear! Hannah Kelley's little sister, quite a catch! And now for your panties. Pull them down slowly for me, peel them away from your lovely slit slowly, provocatively. As I watch, my penis will stiffen. And then, I'll fuck you!'
Placing her thumbs between the tight elastic and her shapely hips, the young girl pulled her panties down to her thighs. 'Keep going,' Fowler instructed, his eyes glued to her blonde hairs as they sprang to life as if to protect her tight little groove. Slipping the red panties down to her knees, she let them fall around her shoes and stepped out of them. 'Kick your shoes off, my dear,' Fowler coaxed. 'And then lie on the table for me.'
Climbing onto the table, Roxanne looked to the steps to Swain grinning at her. 'How beautiful you are!' Swain exclaimed appreciatively, moving nearer. 'I don't think I've ever seen such a beautiful young girl - have you, Ron?'
'No, I haven't. You're just in time to watch her masturbate. She says that she's never done it before, but...'
'Then I'd better do it for her!' Swain laughed.
'No! Please, I can't do it like this - not while...'
'I've just the thing,' Fowler interjected, wheeling the machine across the room and connecting the electrodes to the girl's temples.
'No! What are you doing to me?'
'You'll enjoy this, just relax.' Switching the machine on, Fowler adjusted the level-control and waited. The girl began to breathe heavily as she opened her legs and parted her soft lips with her slender fingers, exposing her tight folds of glistening flesh - her swelling clitoris. Her small nipples grew erect and long and her areolae darkened as her stimulated pleasure centre sent its messages of urgent sex through her young body.
'I'm glad to see you co-operating, my dear. After all, you don't want the whip, do you?' Fowler grinned as she began to vibrate her fingers over her clitoris.
'No, I don't want the... Ah, that's nice! Ah, my cunt!'
Mesmerized by the flow of slippery cream oozing from her tight hole, Fowler pulled Roxanne along the table until her buttocks hung over the edge. Taking his hard penis in her hand, Swain guided the solid knob between the girl's drenched lips. 'Push it in, Ron!' she instructed excitedly. 'Push it into her young cunt!'
Inch by inch
, Fowler's thick shaft drove into Roxanne's tight sheath until her stretched lips encompassed the root of his penis and his heavy balls rested against her buttocks. Reaching between his legs, Swain groped between the girl's buttocks and located her tight bottom-hole. She whimpered and squeezed her muscles as Swain pressed a finger into the warmth of her bowels and massaged the creamy inner flesh. Thrusting with a vengeance, Fowler grunted, clinging to her hips as his massive shaft forced her young slit open. Shuddering, the girl moved her fingers faster over her clitoris until the little bud exploded and she cried out. Her tight vaginal sheath gripped Fowler's weapon like a vice as it swelled and the sperm gushed from the bulbous glans.
'God, my cunt! Fuck my cunt!' the girl screamed as her climax shook her young body. Withdrawing her finger, Swain stood behind Fowler and lifted the girl's legs over his shoulders, allowing him to penetrate still deeper into her hot depths, sustaining her orgasm until he'd filled her cavern and she begged for him to stop.
Pulling the chains down from the ceiling, Swain connected them to the girl's ankles before she'd surfaced from her climax. As Fowler slipped his glistening shaft from her hot hole, he moved aside and suggested that Swain lap up the milky juices pouring from her trembling body. Kneeling on the floor, the dyke pushed her tongue as far into the creamy opening as she could, slurping out the heady cocktail of sperm and female come-juice.
The girl's clitoris swelled again as Fowler turned the machine up and Swain sucked the little bud into her mouth.
'Please, I can't come again!' Roxanne cried as the beginnings of her orgasm fluttered deep within her contracting womb. Spurred on by her pleas, Swain ran her tongue round and round Roxanne's clitoris until it pulsed and erupted. 'Coming, coming!' the girl cried as her body spasmed and her juices poured. 'Yes, that's it!'
Moving to the control box, Fowler pressed a button and grinned as the girl's legs rose, forcing her open groove harder into Swain's mouth. As he pressed another button the chains moved apart, opening her legs and elevating her buttocks to allow Swain's tongue deeper access to the wet gaping hole. Licking up the remnants of sperm, her face flushed and wet, Swain rose to her feet.
'How wet you are!' she exclaimed, moving round the table to the machine. 'And how sweet your clitoris! I'll turn this up a little higher and you can enjoy dozens of multiple orgasms while I fetch the depilator.' Leaving Roxanne to endure the most excruciating climaxes of an intensity that she wouldn't have believed possible, Swain and Fowler made their way up the steps, locking the steel door behind them.
'Right, I'll get the videocube and then Kelley can see for herself how much her sister's enjoying her stay with us. Good idea to install the camera, wasn't it?' Fowler chuckled as they walked down the corridor.
'Excellent! But how will you get the videocube to her?'
'I'll think of a way. Perhaps Jo, our spy, can help.' Reaching the cottage, Julia stared in disbelief at the pile of rubble. 'Hannah!' she called on her radio.
'What is it?'
'Jo did a bloody good job. There's nothing left of the cottage!'
'But where is she?'
'I don't know, there's no sign of her. What shall I do?'
'You'd better come back, I suppose.'
Turning to leave, Julia's heart leapt. Staring at the rubble, tears streaming down her cheeks, blood running from her forehead, Jo dropped to her knees and covered her face with her hands.
'What's happened to you?' Julia asked urgently, helping the girl to her feet. 'Did you get caught in the explosion?' Crying uncontrollably, Jo couldn't answer. 'Come on, let's get you back to base.'
'Emily's dead!' Jo shrieked as they walked into the woods. 'She was in the cottage and... she's dead!'
'What are you talking about? Of course she wasn't in the cottage!'
'She was! Fowler told me!'
During their journey, Jo wailed her story of her lies and betrayal. Stunned, Julia couldn't believe what she was hearing. 'You mean that you've been tipping Fowler off?'
'Yes, I needed the money. I didn't intend anyone to end up dead!'
'Well, they have, haven't they? Christ, you're a bitch! The trouble you've caused! And now this! Hannah will kill you when she finds out!'
'No, she mustn't know, Julia! Please...'
'Perhaps you're right. She'd go over the edge if she knew about Emily. God, you're a cow! Grassing on your friends like that is...'
'I never told Fowler anything of any real value!'
'No, you just made sure that Emily got caught doing the Sussex Downs transmitter job, you told Fowler about the airport job! I suppose it was you who released Fowler and Rebecca from the basement?'
'I don't understand you, I really don't! Why didn't you tell Fowler where the base was and have the whole group captured?'
'Because... I didn't want anyone to get hurt. I just desperately needed money!'
'As you weren't aware that Emily was in the cottage, I suppose...'
'I had no idea!'
'All right, let's keep this to ourselves. We'll tell Hannah that you fell down a bank or something and hurt yourself. But you must tell her that you're the spy.'
'I will, I will! But Emily's gone!'
'We can't change that. It's something you'll have to live with, and it serves you right!'
Collapsing onto a bed when she arrived at the base, Jo fell into a deep sleep as Julia told Hannah of the betrayal. 'I already knew it was her,' Hannah admitted. 'I overheard her talking to Rebecca and Rose. Anyway, we'll get her to give Fowler false information. There's not much we can do about the past, so we'll just have to make as much use of her as possible - after I've beaten her, that is! By the way, I'm planning to storm the centre.'
'Thinking about it, this will help me nicely. We'll give Fowler false information so that he and his cronies are miles away at the time, leaving the centre virtually undefended. Then we can go and release the women. I'll get Emily back if it's the last thing I do!'
Julia hung her head to conceal her tears. The reality had hit her, as she knew it would. They'd never see Emily again. Moving the curtain aside, she told Hannah that she was tired.
'We all need some sleep. It must be dark up there by now,' Hannah replied. 'I'll bet Rebecca and Rose are scared sitting in the dark! Still, it serves them right!'
'Where are they?' Julia asked as she climbed into bed.
'Shit! I was going to take them some blankets! They're in an old air raid shelter not far from here. They're probably shivering to death! Oh, they'll survive until the morning - I wonder if Emily will?' Creeping along the corridor, Swain stopped outside Fowler's office as she heard him on the videophone. 'Yes, I've a lovely one who's just come in today. I'm alone now that that cow Swain has gone so I'll do it straight away - bye.'
Slipping into her own office, Swain watched Fowler disappear through the basement door. 'What's he up to?' she breathed, creeping across the corridor and inching open the door. Opening a cupboard, Fowler pulled out several yards of blue silk material and arranged it around Roxanne's body. Gasping as another orgasm shook her, she begged for him to switch the machine off. Laughing, he turned the control down and made some final adjustments to the silk.
'You look very pretty, my dear,' he leered, unlocking another cupboard and lifting out a camera. 'Don't mind if I take a few photographs, do you?'
'What for, to send to my sister?' asked Roxanne as he set the camera on a tripod.
'No, no, she'll be getting a videocube of you enjoying yourself. These pictures will bring me money - you're going to be in the centrefold of my underground magazine. As women can't work these days, all the dirty mags have gone out of business. That's where I come in. With an endless supply of girls, we're making a fortune on the black market. And we're becoming big abroad!'
'If Mr Evans found out...'
'Don't you worry your pretty little head about him! Ironically, he's put me in charge of tracking down the porn merchants. I've nailed half a d
ozen or so dirty videocube outfits, just to show him that I'm doing a good job, but my magazine is perfectly safe. The porn squad was my idea, of course. Clever, don't you agree?'
'I hate you!'
'Oh dear, I can't take pictures of a sullen little girl, can I? Before I begin, I'll turn the machine up and wait until you're writhing in orgasm.'
Slipping into Fowler's office, Swain pushed a videocube into the machine. 'Mr Evans will be delighted to see this,' she whispered, switching the machine on and watching Fowler and the girl on the monitor. 'Go on, Ron, chat about your underground mag! I want Evans to hear and see exactly what you get up to!'
As the machine stimulated Roxanne's pleasure centre, she began to masturbate, stretching her pink quim lips wide and rubbing her clitoris to bring relief as Fowler stood behind the camera. 'That's it, faster! Make your juices flow!' he incited her. 'Finger yourself with your other hand, that's what the punters want, that's what they pay for! Ever been in the centrefold of a dirty mag before? No, I don't suppose you have! Ah, now you're nice and wet! Keep going, my lovely! I'll fetch one of the other girls in a minute to drink up all that lovely juice - that'll make some nice shots.'
Grinning, Swain watched as Roxanne gasped and her climax finally erupted. 'Got you now, Ron!' she laughed as the girl shuddered and cried out in her ecstasy as Fowler clicked the camera. As the early morning sun rose over the forest, Rose opened her eyes and tried desperately to stretch her aching limbs. Gazing at Rebecca sleeping soundly, she contemplated the situation. She should never have got caught up with Swain and the centre, she knew, but the money had been too tempting. With no prospects, no career, she'd envisaged helping the lesbian until she had saved enough to run away and live a life of luxury abroad. But now she was in two minds. To abscond, to desert her own sex, to condone Fowler, as Hannah had rightly put it, seemed so very wrong.
Rebecca was still sleeping when Hannah arrived with food and blankets and Rose grabbed her chance to talk in private. 'I want to join your group,' she told Hannah earnestly.
'You must be joking!' Hannah laughed. 'The last thing I need is a double agent!'
'Jo is your spy.'
'I know that. If you're trying to convince me that you've defected, then tell me everything you know.'