Submission Page 15
Standing alone in the forest, Hannah sighed. Why had everything gone so very wrong? she wondered. And how on earth had Fowler captured Roxanne? Taking a deep breath, she decided to put Julia in charge of the prisoners, Jo included, and take some positive steps towards freeing her kid sister. To capture Swain would serve no real purpose: she already had three prisoners to contend with. But to search her house, or follow her, may prove to be enlightening.
'What have you done to her?' Julia asked fearfully as she wandered towards Hannah and leaned against a tree.
'Nothing much. She's still alive, if that's what you're worried about. Did you know about Emily?'
'Yes, I...'
'We reckon that she wasn't in the cottage. Fowler was bluffing.'
'Can you be sure?'
'No, but I can pray. Anyway, we've got to get our priorities right. Firstly, there's Roxanne. To rescue her, and the other women at the centre, we'll use Jo to give Fowler some duff information - as I told you last night. Once Fowler is out of the way, we'll storm the centre and...'
'And get caught!'
'No, we won't! Come on, let's get Jo to call Fowler on the radio.' Walking briskly down the basement steps, Fowler swaggered across to Roxanne and placed his leather bag on the table. 'And how are you this morning, my dear?' he asked. Turning her head away, the girl didn't answer. 'The pictures came out well, they're already on their way to the magazine,' he continued, pinching her nipples. 'I trust you slept well?'
'No! How could I sleep well tied to a table?'
'You'll have a bed tonight - my bed!' he laughed. 'Anyway, you've a busy day ahead of you, so let's get started, shall we?'
Roxanne watched in terror as he opened the bag and pulled out two metal cups. 'Your nipples are far too small, my dear,' he proclaimed, placing the cups over her breasts and yanking her nipples through two small holes. Taking two rubber teats, he placed them over her nipples and grinned as he rummaged in the bag again. 'Next, I connect one end of these rubber hoses to the teats, like this, and then the other end to this little suction pump.
The girl sensed her nipples expand and harden as Fowler activated the pump. 'The suction alone wouldn't have any real lasting effect but the rubber teats contain a hormone which will help your nipples to develop,' he drooled. 'It will only take a few hours, and you'll have a fine pair of nice, long, hard nipples. They'll be really sensitive, too.'
'You're mad, do you know that?' Roxanne spat as Fowler turned the suction control up.
'Not at all!' he laughed, moving to the control box on the wall and pressing a button. 'I'm just going to open your legs ready for my next trick.'
As her legs rose and opened wide, exposing the intimacy between her thighs, Roxanne prayed that Hannah was making plans for her escape. Fearfully, she wondered what plans Fowler had in store for her as he took a tube of cream from the bag and smeared a handful between her youthful vaginal lips.
'This contains testosterone, amongst other hormones,' he enlightened her, rubbing the cream into her clitoris. 'In twenty-four hours, your clitoris will be four times as big as it is now. It will become extremely sensitive, too. It's permanent, of course. One girl I used this on said that she could achieve orgasm just by walking. Her lips massaged her clitty as she walked, you see. Rather nice, don't you agree?'
'You're a pervert, Fowler! The day will come when...'
'The only thing coming will be your clitty, my dear!' he laughed as he rubbed more cream into her now stiffening bud.
Taking a metal cylinder from the bag, Fowler eased it between Roxanne's soft pussy lips and pushed it deep into her wet sheath. 'This little device electrically stimulates the G-spot,' he said. 'It also secretes a mixture of hormones to sensitize the G-spot so you'll have far better orgasms when I fuck you.'
'I hate you, Fowler! Hannah will get you, and when she does...'
'No, I will get her, my dear. I've no doubt that she'll be planning to come and rescue you. But what she doesn't realize is that this place is protected by infrared sensors. Any unauthorized person entering the building will be detected and, once they're inside, steel shutters will seal off every window and door. So, you see, I will get her. And when I do, I'll have you both tied down side by side and take you in turn. What a lovely thought, the two Kelley sisters with their legs spread and their pretty cunt-lips open and ready for my every whim! Anyway, there's just one more thing before I leave you to enjoy yourself...'
Taking a plastic rod from the bag, Fowler pushed it between Roxanne's buttocks and pressed it against her tiny hole. 'No!' she protested as the rod slipped deep into her bowels. 'Take it out!'
'This is only for fun, it has no lasting effect,' he taunted. 'When you're desperate for an orgasm I'll come back and use my vibrator on your clitty. I'll allow you to suck my penis, too. You'd like me to come in your mouth, wouldn't you?'
'Oh, but you will! When the hormones have taken effect, you'll plead for me to fill your pretty little mouth with sperm. I'll see you later, my dear.' Holding the radio to Jo's mouth, Hannah ordered her to call Fowler. 'Are you there, Fowler?' she asked. 'Fowler, come in.'
'Ah, it's Jo. How are you this fine day?'
'Was Emily in the cottage?'
'That's for me to know and you to find out!'
'I need money.'
'Don't we all? So, what do you have for me?'
'Hannah's going to blow up ten national grid pylons. They run over the South Downs to Brighton. She plans for them to be destroyed at the same time, so you'll need men at each one.'
'Interesting. But I do believe you're bluffing!'
'Believe what you like, but Evans won't be happy when he discovers that you knew of the plan and did nothing about it.'
'When is this happening?'
'This evening.'
'Right, I'll arrange your payment.'
'Was Emily in the cottage?'
Realizing Fowler wasn't going to answer, Hannah switched the radio off. 'Okay, let's get ready. We'll need stun bombs, bolt croppers and crow bars. There are only the two us, Julia, so it won't be easy.'
'What about me?' Jo asked.
'You're staying here!'
'But if you're caught...'
'Then you'll be here forever, won't you?'
Taking Hannah's arm, Julia led her through the curtain. 'If we are caught, it's not only Jo who will die from starvation; there's Rebecca and Rose, too.'
'We won't be caught, so don't worry. Besides, Mary will be back in a day or two. Okay, let's grab what we need and go.'
'We needn't go yet, it's far too early.'
'I want to show you where Rebecca and Rose are, and take them a couple of things, and I want to call in at Swain's house... so we may as well go now.'
'Swain's house?'
'Yes, I have her address.'
'But how...'
'I'm not just a pretty lesbian, Julia!' Swain walked around the remains of the cottage and opened the outhouse door. 'So, this place survived the blast, then?' she observed as she stepped inside and closed the door. Emily turned her head from her jailer. Her naked body sprawled out on the carpet, her wrists and ankles tied to steel rings in the floor, a pillow beneath her buttocks, she was vulnerable, totally defenceless against the butch apology for a woman.
'Did the explosion frighten you?' Swain asked.
'I thought this place was going to fall down!' Emily complained, wondering what Swain had planned for her. 'I could have been killed!'
'I saved your life, my girl, remember that! Anyway, I would have stopped Fowler from allowing my cottage to be blown up, but I needed Mrs Evans, you see. He thinks she's dead, and when I return her to her husband, he'll get rid of Fowler and I'll be running the show. To be honest, I'm getting pretty fed up with all this. It's time you told me where Kelley's base is.'
'Then I'll just have to force you to tell me, and I mean it this time!' Swain spat as she took a thick length of polished wood from a cupboard.
Kneeling between Emily's legs, the lesbian stroked the girl's inflamed lips and smiled. 'What a wonderful little pussy,' she observed, leaning forward and running her tongue the length of the wet groove. 'I wish I could get my tongue deep inside your little hole and lick your cervix.'
Prising open Emily's lips with her thumbs, Swain exposed the sensitive pink flesh and began to lick around the girl's clitoris. Emily closed her eyes and thought of Hannah as her bud stiffened a little in response. She desperately wanted Hannah, to see her, speak with her, make love with her - but she, Emily, had been defiled, used by men. As Swain licked and mouthed her hardening clitoris, Emily recalled the men in the centre. Her vagina had been pumped with sperm until it overflowed, her bottom-hole crudely stretched open and her mouth used as a convenient orifice for off-loading.
There had been no love, only lust. How could she love again? she wondered. How could she ever offer her used body in love? The lustful sensations rising from her womb converging in her clitoris dragged her mind away from Hannah. All that mattered now was her impending orgasm.
Continuing to tease Emily's clitoris, Swain thrust four fingers into her tightening sheath and stirred the creamy warmth. With her buttocks high on the pillow, the naked centre of her young body spread invitingly open to a hot female tongue, Emily lifted her head and gazed between her breasts at Swain. Watching the dyke licking between her cunt lips, bringing out the full length of her clitoris, sent a delightful quiver through Emily's pelvis and deep into her trembling womb. But more, witnessing the intimacy between her legs, the tongue licking the soft wet folds, again she found herself revelling in her lust.
'Lick my cunt hard!' Emily gasped as a slight tremor erupted from her clitoris and her cream trickled from her to course down between her buttocks. 'Suck my juices out! Finger me! Make me come in your mouth!'
Grabbing the piece of wood, Swain presented the rounded end to Emily's open entrance and pressed it past her muscles. 'It's too big!' the girl cried as deeper and deeper it sank into her tight vaginal sheath, distending the delicate skin until it came to rest against her cervix. 'I can't... God, no! Keep licking me, I'm coming!'
Her chained body rigid in lust, Emily whimpered her appreciation as her clitoris suddenly swelled in Swain's mouth and discharged a massive orgasm. The pulsating between her swollen pussy lips escalated to almost painful levels, blurring her senses, lifting her from her body until she floated on her summit. Sustaining the incredible pleasure, Swain thrust the wooden phallus in and out of Emily's hot spasming sheath, sucking and licking her clitoris until pleas for mercy filled the air. 'No more! Ah, my cunt... No more, please!'
Her legs twitching, her body shaking uncontrollably, Emily felt that her bud would explode as Swain ran her tongue round and round, extorting the last mind-blowing waves of sex. At last, her body fell limp. Her stomach rising and falling, her breasts heaving, she moistened her dry lips and tried to speak.
'I can't...'
'Can't what?' Swain demanded as she slipped the massive phallus from Emily's drenched cavern and lapped up her milky fluid.
'Can't take any more!'
'But we've only just started, my dear!'
Dragging a low reclining chair across the room, Swain placed it over Emily's head and sniggered. 'I'll bet you don't know what this is for!' she said gleefully. Removing the cushion, she gazed down at her captive through a large hole cut in the bottom of the chair. Emily guessed what it was for as the pervert slipped a padded cradle beneath her head. At the touch of a lever the cradle lifted the girl's head up through the hole until she faced the back of the chair.
'Now, I sit in the chair,' Swain explained as she slipped out of her matronly skirt and sat down with Emily's head between her open thighs. 'And then I push my nice wet lips into your face, like this.'
Her head between Swain's thighs, Emily breathed in the heady female scent and quivered in her arousal as Swain pushed her thick pussy lips against her mouth. 'By moving the lever I can bring your head up higher, like this, so you can lick my clitoris in comfort. And by placing my legs over the arms of the chair, like this, my cunt lips open nice and wide for you. Now, make me come!'
Emily had no choice but to push her tongue out and lick the heavy folds of glistening female flesh spread before her. Closing her eyes, she imagined that it was Hannah sitting in the chair as she sucked and nibbled on the pink folds and gently teased the engorging clitoris with her tongue.
The day would come when Emily would be with Hannah again, she was sure. Away from the centre, away from Fowler, away from barred windows and bolted steel doors - only her chains held her back from her freedom, her happiness. If she could just release her hand when Swain had gone, she would have a chance to escape, to be with Hannah, to love her - lick her.
Hannah's image excited Emily, aroused her, wet her vaginal sheath as Swain stretched her lips open wider and began to breathe deeply as her clitoris grew ever nearer to its climax. Circling the swelling bud with the tip of her tongue, Emily desperately needed to appease her own clitoris, to massage the tiny protrusion and release the pleasure ensconced there.
'Can I touch myself!' Emily panted eagerly, pulling at the restricting metal ring. Excited by the idea, Swain leapt from the chair and released the girl's right hand.
'There, now you can come, too!' she enthused, taking her place in the chair again.
Swain sighed as she pushed her hips forward, grinding her open groove hard against Emily's mouth. Emily sighed, too, as her fingers located her wet valley and began to fondle her inner lips, pulling and twisting them before moving to her hard nodule. 'Don't stop!' Swain ordered as her body shook and her juices decanted down Emily's chin. 'Coming... Coming... Yes, that's it, coming!'
Vibrating her fingers over her clitoris, Emily reached her sexual heaven, moaning her pleasure through a mouthful of wet vaginal flesh, gasping her delight between Swain's pussy lips. Both writhing, their juices flowing, their bodies trembling in their lust, they finally relaxed.
'You're very good,' Swain breathed, looking down into Emily's big brown eyes. 'I'm going to enjoy having you stay here as my guest.'
'Guest? That's hardly the word to use!' Emily returned.
'Talking of guests, my lady friends will be coming to see you this evening. With them all taking turns to sit in my chair with your pretty face between their thighs - you'll enjoy it very much.
Emily pictured the lewd scenario, open lips, wet holes, throbbing clitorises, women gasping in orgasm as she licked and sucked them in turn. Yes, she would enjoy it, she decided as her fingers slipped between her wet lips again and stroked her clitoris. But, she hoped, she would have escaped long before the evening. Long before Swain's lesbian guests arrived.
'That was nice,' Swain acknowledged as she stood up and slipped her skirt on. 'I have work to do now, but I'll be back this evening.'
Lowering the cradle, she lifted Emily's head clear and moved the chair aside. Praying that the ogre would have some compassion and leave her hand free to masturbate, Emily breathed heavily and writhed. Grinning, Swain opened the door and turned to her prisoner. 'Enjoy yourself,' she chuckled before closing and bolting the door. 'Are you sure you know where you're going? We must have come miles!' Julia groused as she followed Hannah along the street.
'Swain's house should be just around the next corner,' Hannah replied. 'It's just about dark now, so we should be safe enough. There it is, number twenty-five.'
Moving round to the back of the house, Hannah pulled the crowbar from her bag. 'Right, the back door,' she whispered. 'What if she's in there, for God's sake?'
'I'm hoping she will be. I want Swain!'
The door swung open as the lock broke, inviting Hannah to step inside. 'No security system,' she remarked as she wandered into the kitchen.
'And no one's in, by the look of it,' Julia observed as they walked through the hall. 'What are we after, apart from Swain?'
'Anything. Clues, papers, any information about Evans or t
he centres.'
Opening a desk, Hannah sifted through a pile of papers while Julia searched upstairs. 'Nothing,' she mumbled disappointedly, throwing the papers down and picking up a leather-bound note book. Flicking through the pages, she gasped. 'Names, addresses, dates, everything!'
'Look at this!' Julia exclaimed excitedly, bounding into the room brandishing a diary. 'Swain has Evans's wife!'
'What do you mean?'
'Here, read it for yourself.'
Snatching the diary, Hannah scanned the entry. 'God, I didn't expect to find anything like this! Look at tomorrow's date! It says that Mrs Evans is going to wander through the forest with a homing device until we capture her!'
'Christ! But why write it all down?'
'I don't know, some people are like that. Perhaps Swain's going to write a book? Bloody hell, look! It says that Emily's in the cottage outhouse! She's safe, Julia! Emily's safe!'
'Let's go and rescue her now.'
'No, no. Let's not panic. Our next move needs careful consideration. We've got a lot to do. Do you realize, we can get Emily back, capture Mrs Evans, and...'
'And do you realize that there are only the two of us?'
'Shit! Where the hell has Diana got to? Put the diary back and I'll copy out some of the names and addresses from this book. Then we'll get out of here, go back to base and plan.'
Hannah felt the tingle of new life running through her veins as she walked down the street. But thinking, planning, suddenly images of Roxanne loomed in her mind. 'We'll stick to our original plan,' she told Julia. 'Go to the centre now and get Roxanne, and pick Emily up on our way back. By the time we get there, Fowler and his men will be hiding by the national grid pylons waiting for us.'
'And Swain? They'll leave someone at the centre, surely?'
'Swain will probably be there, yes, but I have this,' Hannah smiled, taking the stun gun from her bag.
Chapter Nine
Raising her head to contemplate the rubber teats covering her aching nipples, Roxanne wondered fearfully what they would look like, how big they'd be when Fowler's evil device was removed. Lifting her head further, she looked down at the metal cylinder protruding crudely between her stretched cunt lips.