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Maid to Serve Page 4

  Was it the gardener? The disgustingly graphic performance disturbed her. Why would he have done such a thing? Panting heavily she reached the backdoor. Was he trying to frighten her away from the woods, or even away from Hadleigh Manor? Then turning before going into the kitchen she noticed the gardener tending some plants a hundred yards or so away on the edge of the back lawns. It couldn’t have been him, she realised. So it must have been the intruder Michael had mentioned, she concluded as she slipped into the kitchen and closed the door.

  Realising that Michael had been right, that Belinda had told her to keep away from the woods because she’d had her welfare at heart, she wondered if she should mention what she’d seen, trembling as she pictured the man’s huge cock. No, it was best to try to forget about it, although she knew it would be forever etched in her memory.

  There was something very strange about Hadleigh Manor, she reflected, sitting at the kitchen table and sipping a fresh mug of coffee. This was only her second day here, yet not only had she been spanked by one of her new bosses, but she’d also witnessed some unknown stranger masturbating in the undergrowth!

  Just then Michael Philips breezed into the kitchen and smiled at her. ‘Good morning,’ he said, ‘how are you on this lovely day?’

  ‘Erm, I’m fine, sir,’ Hayley replied a little shakily.

  ‘Michael,’ he said. ‘Please, call me Michael – unless Belinda’s around, that is.’

  ‘Yes sir, I mean, Michael. Would you like some coffee?’

  ‘No thanks,’ he declined, shaking his head. ‘I take it you’ve decided to stay here?’

  ‘Yes, I think so,’ she confirmed. ‘You were right, it was my fault, I should never have gone into the woods against your wife’s express wishes.’

  Michael shrugged, and Hayley couldn’t help but notice a sparkle in his eyes. ‘Ah well, we all make mistakes.’ Those sparkling eyes flitted down to her figure, clearly lingering on her breasts, her cleavage partially revealed by the open top few buttons of her blouse. ‘I must say, you look lovely this morning,’ he complimented her. ‘Absolutely lovely.’

  ‘Oh, er... thank you,’ Hayley said sheepishly, blushing prettily. Was he after something he shouldn’t be after?

  ‘So, how are you feeling after Belinda...’ he paused tactfully, ‘after she punished you?’

  ‘Well, I don’t know really,’ she answered truthfully. ‘Nothing like that has ever happened to me before. Even my parents never spanked me.’

  ‘Belinda was brought up in a very strict family,’ Michael told her. ‘Her father was a major in the army, you know, the military type. That’s why she has this thing about discipline and obedience. It’s what she grew up with. Behave yourself and do as you’re told and there won’t be any problems for you.’

  ‘I should hope not,’ Hayley sighed, recalling the incident outside by the bushes.

  ‘By the way, we’re going into town this morning,’ he informed her, changing the subject. ‘But we should be back by one for lunch.’

  ‘I’ll have it all prepared and ready for you,’ Hayley said. ‘Lunch at one o’clock.’

  Again recalling the bizarre incident in the bushes as Michael left the kitchen, Hayley couldn’t clear her mind of the picture of the unknown man masturbating until he ejaculated in full view of her. Was it really the stranger Michael had mentioned? If so, why hadn’t something been done about him? And why did Belinda go into the woods knowing that some pervert was on the loose? Then thinking about the derelict old air raid shelter intrigue was getting the better of her. Michael and Belinda were going into town, so she was going to have to take a proper look in the woods, despite being told not to.

  Finishing her coffee, and still a little unsure of what she should be doing as part of her duties, she ambled into the hall and wondered when Belinda would rise, and what kind of a mood she would be in. Noticing a letter lying on the doormat, she picked it up and was about to place it on the hall table when she noticed it was addressed to her. ‘Be careful,’ she read, having opened it and studied the scrawled writing. ‘Things are not always as they seem.’

  Frowning as she climbed the stairs, she had no idea who the letter was from. Things are not always as they seem? That was certainly true of Hadleigh Manor, but who had sent the message to her, and more importantly – why?

  Listening outside Belinda’s bedroom door she heard no signs of activity and decided to go up to her own attic room. Closing the door behind her she dropped the letter on her bed, and still frowning she noticed the quilt was ruffled and had obviously been pulled back. Someone had been in her room, she knew as she noticed a pair of her panties hanging out of one of the partly open drawers.

  Looking out of the window she decided to get to the bottom of whatever was going on at Hadleigh Manor. The man’s face at the dining room window, her boss spanking her, some pervy masturbating in the bushes, a mystifying note, and now her room had been searched – and she’d not even been here for twenty-four hours yet!

  Again with that creepy feeling that she was being watched she looked around the room. The door was closed; there was no one else there, and yet she had a distinct feeling that...

  Hearing Belinda calling, Hayley let out a sigh as she left her room and made her way back down to the lower landing. ‘Yes, ma’am,’ she said, knocking and entering the boss’s bedroom.

  ‘Ah, Hayley,’ Belinda snapped moodily, getting gracefully out of bed. ‘I’m going into town with my husband this morning.’

  ‘Yes ma’am, I know,’ Hayley mumbled, blushing profusely and trying not to gaze at the woman’s naked body. ‘Will...’ she had to clear her throat, her mouth suddenly dry, ‘will you be wanting breakfast before you leave?’

  ‘No, we’ll have something to eat in town,’ her boss said dismissively. ‘Go and turn the shower on for me.’

  Wandering into the adjoining bathroom, Hayley couldn’t believe that Belinda had shaved her pubic hair, and that she obviously had no qualms about parading her nakedness in front of her embarrassed housekeeper. Hayley couldn’t imagine doing either.

  Turning as Belinda walked into the bathroom behind her, she tried to drag her eyes away from the woman’s hairless pussy, Belinda seemingly oblivious to her nakedness as she stepped into the shower cubicle, turned her face up to the cascade of steaming water and asked Hayley to pass her the shampoo.

  Having done so the girl left the bathroom, made Belinda’s bed and tidied the room. Feeling increasingly uneasy as she again wondered who had been through her things, she could at least eliminate Belinda. That only left Michael, but why would he search her room? What had he been looking for? Unless someone else had been roaming around the house, like the gardener or the disgusting stranger, whoever he was.

  ‘Where are you going?’ Belinda asked as she padded back into the room, seeing Hayley hovering by the door. ‘I’d like you to dry me now,’ she said, tossing Hayley a towel.

  ‘Dry you, ma’am?’ Hayley gasped, her eyes wide as she gazed at her naked boss.

  ‘Yes, dry me,’ the woman said sternly, ‘with the towel. Can you manage that, do you think?’ Watching her maid hesitate she shook her head impatiently and tutted. ‘Well, can you cope with that? Or is it too difficult a task for you to undertake?’

  ‘No, no I can cope,’ Hayley stammered bashfully. There was something very odd going on, she thought for the umpteenth time, moving close and towelling the woman’s shoulders.

  ‘There’s more to me than my back,’ Belinda complained.

  ‘Um, yes ma’am,’ Hayley said quickly, moving down to the rounded cheeks of her boss’s bottom.

  ‘Tell me, Hayley,’ the woman started conversationally, ‘are you happy with your room?’

  ‘Yes, ma’am,’ Hayley said. ‘I’m very happy with my room, thank you. It’s nice looking out over the grounds and...’

  ‘You can do my front now,’ the
woman instructed, turning and facing the blushing girl, and with her embarrassment intensifying Hayley towelled Belinda’s breasts lightly, trying to ignore the thrust of her nipples, moving quickly down to the smooth plateau of her stomach. This wasn’t right, she thought anxiously. She may have led a sheltered life but she knew that intimate contact like this with another woman was wrong. Was this normally part of a housekeeper’s duties? It certainly wasn’t mentioned at her interview!

  ‘My legs,’ Belinda said. ‘Kneel down and dry me properly.’

  Obeying, Hayley found her eyes on a level with Belinda’s hairless pussy. With embarrassment swamping her she lowered her eyes, trying to appear nonchalant to the blatantly displayed intimacy of Belinda’s naked body. If this was expected to be a part of her duties at Hadleigh Manor, then she was going to have to make some sort of a stand against it.

  ‘It’s all right,’ Belinda said, ‘I won’t break. You can do it harder. And make sure you don’t miss anywhere. Dry me properly between my legs.’

  ‘Yes, ma’am,’ Hayley said softly, and complying with her mistress’s demands she brushed the towel over the smooth flesh of her naked sex lips. Belinda began to breathe deeply, her naked body trembling slightly as she parted her feet wider. Hayley looked up at her closed eyes, a slight smile curling her succulent lips. This wasn’t right, she again thought, rubbing the towel a little harder between the woman’s slender thighs. Surely this wasn’t part of a housekeeper’s duties? Thoroughly drying her mistress, completing the job as quickly as she could, she stood up and folded the towel.

  ‘Will that be all, ma’am?’ she asked, desperate to leave the room.

  ‘Oh... yes, yes,’ Belinda sighed, somewhat dreamily. ‘Go and make me a cup of coffee, will you? I’ll be down shortly.’

  Leaving the room, Hayley hurried down the stairs to the kitchen with troubled thoughts careering around her head. Belinda had seemed to derive some sort of sexual pleasure from Hayley drying her with the towel, and she wondered whether her boss had lesbian tendencies. Hayley distractedly poured Belinda’s coffee and placed it on the scrubbed pine table, just as Belinda walked briskly into the kitchen.

  ‘I don’t want you to leave the house while we’re in town, do you understand me?’ she instructed, hastily finishing the coffee awaiting her.

  ‘Erm, yes ma’am,’ Hayley replied obediently.

  ‘You’re sure you understand?’ The woman watched closely for her reaction, looking pretty intense.

  Hayley nodded, wondering why it was so important. ‘Yes, yes of course.’

  ‘Right, we’ll be two or three hours.’ The woman seemed to relax a little. ‘I’ll see you later.’

  Even more than ever Hayley was determined to take a look around the woods. Something was going on and she didn’t like it. Waiting until she heard their luxury car leave, she went out to the walled yard and slipped through the archway, making her way across the back lawns to the woods, knowing she might be taking a big risk. But intrigue and a strange feeling of injustice had now outweighed commonsense.

  Creeping along the narrow winding path beneath the canopy of the trees, she could smell tobacco smoke hanging in the still summer air. She knew the gardener, or someone, was close by as she stopped still and listened. A dry twig cracked underfoot somewhere deeper in the woods and some bushes rustled, causing her to hold her breath and freeze, then adrenalin pumped through her veins and she turned to dash back along the path to the open space of lawns beyond the sinister fringe of trees. It was too frightening to venture in there alone, she decided, heading quickly back to the house, walking despite the intense urge to run.

  Searching around the empty house instead, Hayley didn’t really know what she was looking for or why she was doing it. Drifting around the study, sifting through papers on the desk, opening the drawers, she found nothing of interest. Everything seemed to be quite normal.

  Climbing the stairs she went into Belinda’s bedroom, even though she knew it was wrong, and still with no idea what she expected to find she looked through the dressing table drawers.

  ‘So, this is what you get up to the minute you think my back is turned,’ Belinda hissed, emerging from the en suite bathroom.

  ‘Oh!’ Hayley shrieked, spinning round, her eyes wide with shock and fear. ‘I was just... um... I was just tidying up, ma’am!’

  ‘Just tidying up?’ the woman snorted. ‘Is that what you were doing in the study, too?’

  Hayley nodded frantically. ‘Yes, I was. I was just tidying—’

  ‘And is that what you were doing in the woods as well?’ the woman pressed. ‘Just tidying up, were you?’

  ‘I...’ Hayley shook her head, barely able to believe what was happening to her. ‘I...’

  ‘Turn around, young lady,’ Belinda ordered the girl, moving close and snatching a stocking from the open drawer. ‘Tidying up in the woods indeed!’ she sneered derisively, pulling Hayley’s hands behind her back and tying her wrists together with the stocking. ‘Tell me, young lady, do people normally tidy up in the woods?’

  ‘No, I... please, you don’t understand...’ Hayley pleaded pitifully. ‘W-what are you doing?’

  ‘Punishing you, Hayley,’ the woman stated coldly.

  ‘But you can’t tie my wrists,’ she protested. ‘Please, I was only—’

  ‘But I have tied your wrists,’ Belinda scoffed, spinning Hayley back around to face her. ‘What is it with you? You seem to take great delight in continuously defying me.’

  ‘No, all I was doing was—’

  ‘Don’t even think about adding lies to your deceit,’ the woman scolded. ‘I will not tolerate deceit, and I certainly will not tolerate lies. You were snooping around were you had no right to be. I can’t believe this. I really can’t believe it. I had cause to spank you yesterday, and now I have cause to spank you again. Don’t you ever learn, hm? Don’t you want to work here?’

  ‘Yes I do, ma’am,’ Hayley insisted desperately. ‘It’s just that I—’

  ‘It’s just that nothing, young lady,’ Belinda cut in again. ‘I specifically told you not to leave the house, but you disobeyed me. I specifically told you not to go to the woods, but again you disobeyed me. Now bend over.’

  Hayley couldn’t believe this was happening again. ‘Please ma’am, no,’ she pleaded.

  ‘Over the foot of the bed young lady, now!’ the woman ordered angrily, and grabbing Hayley’s long blonde hair and forcing her to bend over the bedstead, she yanked her skirt up over her back and ran her fingertips over the tight cotton covering the girl’s tensed buttocks, and then her hand landed squarely across her quivering bottom cheeks.

  No matter what Michael had said about her acquiring a good reference for Dave Ruby, no matter what future she was throwing away, Hayley wasn’t prepared to endure this sort of treatment again. She was an adult, a grown woman, not a naughty child in need of discipline. Struggling to break free as Belinda continued the merciless spanking she sobbed as the hardest slap yet abused her stinging buttocks. Again and again the woman’s palm met her tensed bottom with shocking slaps, the pain permeating her poor rear as she squirmed and writhed. Belinda was possessed, mad, insane...

  ‘How dare you defy me?’ Belinda spat, finally halting the punishment. ‘You’ll go to your room and stay there until I come for you. And your hands will remain tied behind your back. That’s the only way to ensure you don’t get up to anything you shouldn’t again.’

  ‘Please,’ Hayley sobbed. ‘I was only...’

  ‘It’s Wednesday tomorrow,’ Belinda stated with a note of triumph. ‘Wednesday. You know what Wednesday is, don’t you?’

  Poor Hayley’s head was spinning. ‘No, I don’t.’

  ‘It’s your day off, young lady,’ Belinda told her, calming down somewhat. ‘Wednesday is your day off, or perhaps I should say, it was your day off. As of now it’s cancelled. Now get out
of my sight.’

  Hauling her trembling body up straight, Hayley hobbled to the door and managed to turn the handle and get it open. Climbing the stairs she let herself into her room and pushed the door shut. Determined to escape as she moved to her dressing table, she wondered whether she could cut through the nylon stocking with her pair of scissors. Belinda really must be mad, and the second she was free she’d pack her case and leave, she decided, trying desperately to cut through the stocking. Once free she’d say goodbye to Hadleigh Manor – for good!

  Chapter 3

  Finally managing to get free of her bonds, Hayley pulled her suitcase off the top of the wardrobe and began packing. All she had to do was walk to the station and take the next train home, and she’d be safe. Emptying the dressing table drawers she opened the wardrobe and laid her clothes on the bed. This was the end of her short nightmare, she thought, as someone tapped on the door.

  ‘Hayley, it’s me,’ Michael called. ‘May I come in?’

  ‘Yes, of course,’ she replied, folding her clothes and placing them neatly in the case.

  ‘Why did you do it?’ he asked, entering and closing the door behind him. ‘Why did you go into the woods when you’d again been told not to? And why were you snooping around our home?’

  ‘Because...’ she wondered how to answer without sounding silly, ‘because there’s something very odd going on here,’ she eventually replied.

  ‘Odd?’ he echoed, sounding puzzled. ‘Going on? What do you mean?’

  ‘Yesterday I followed the gardener into the woods,’ she told him, suddenly feeling relieved to have someone to share her troubled thoughts with. ‘I was merely going to introduce myself to him, but he disappeared into thin air.’

  ‘He’d probably gone to the outbuilding to get something,’ Michael suggested. ‘There’s an old brick building where he keeps his tools and gardening machinery. What is this fascination you have with the woods?’

  ‘I saw your wife emerging from them,’ she confided, ‘followed by the gardener.’