Web of Desire Page 5
‘Oh, I do,’ Mandy murmured as the waiter placed two ham salads on the table.
‘And, when you find a man who’s good in bed, you have to know how to keep him hanging around. As you probably know, most men like shaved pussies.’
‘Er … yes, I …’
‘I’ve been shaving for years. In fact, I started shaving when I was still at school.’
‘Yes, me too,’ Mandy said softly, trying to imagine her pussy without any hairs veiling her sex crack.
‘Actually, I use cream. A razor is too harsh on my skin. I expect you’ve found the same.’
‘Yes, yes, I have. So, it looks like we’re both doing well on the men front.’
‘We’re young, Mandy. Men like young girls, especially older men. I went with a man of sixty-eight a few weeks ago. What’s the oldest man you’ve screwed?’
‘Er … well, I’m not sure,’ Mandy murmured, wondering where Paula’s sexually deviant escapades would end. ‘One of my men was in his sixties.’
‘I’ll bet he loved getting his hands on a young girl like you. The guy I went with had a lot of money. He’d take me to a hotel and we’d spend the afternoon fucking and coming and …’
Eating her salad as Paula related the sordid details of her time with the old man, Mandy again wondered how far to take her lies. The game of one-upmanship was becoming ridiculous. But it didn’t really matter. Reeling off a load of fictitious stories about her non-existent sexual escapades was perfectly harmless. And, in a way, it was fun. She could dream up as many stories as she liked about her past, and Paula would never discover the truth.
Paula was still rambling on as Mandy finished her meal. Two men in a bed, screwing a married man in the lounge while his wife was upstairs, sucking on two cocks at once … Her amazing tales were never-ending. Mandy didn’t think for one minute that the girl was lying, not even when she mentioned a gang bang with three men. She had no reason to lie. With her own business and her Mercedes, it was pretty obvious that she was a successful businesswoman. And a successful man-eater.
‘I’d better get back,’ Paula said, finally finishing her salad and checking her watch.
‘Yes, and me,’ Mandy breathed. ‘I have a lot of work on at the moment.’
‘We’ll have to go out on the pull one night, Mandy. How about tomorrow?’
‘Er … yes, that should be OK.’
‘I’ll ring you and we’ll sort it out. Right, I’d better go.’
Stacking the plates and tidying the table as Paula left, Mandy realised that the girl hadn’t paid for her lunch. Taking her credit card from her handbag, she sighed. Although the money was beginning to come in, she couldn’t really afford to pay Paula’s bill. Paula had been in a hurry, she reflected as the waiter took her card. She hadn’t deliberately left without paying, had she?
Walking home via Cannon Road, Mandy stopped outside Gary’s house and looked at the neat garden. The front door was open and there was a car parked in the drive, and she wondered whether Gary was at home. She hid behind a bush as a young woman emerged from the house and opened the car door. Mandy reckoned that it was Jennifer, Gary’s wife. If only she knew what her husband got up to behind her back, she mused, eyeing her short skirt and long legs. With long blonde hair and a perfect figure, she was extremely attractive. But she was a prude, Mandy thought, recalling Gary’s words.
Walking on, Mandy wondered what it would be like to be married and live in a beautiful house. Jennifer was lucky, she thought. With a good-looking husband bringing in the money, they probably enjoyed holidays abroad and … But her husband screwed other women on the side. No, that wasn’t for Mandy. Wondering whether his wife had any idea of his infidelity, she recalled the devastation she’d endured when she’d discovered that John had cheated on her. There was no way she was going to fall in love again, she decided as she reached her flat.
Two more potential customers had contacted Mandy about web-site design, and she was feeling increasingly positive about her business. Replying to their emails, she stuck to her price and hoped for the best. She was about to switch her computer off and make a cup of coffee when another email arrived. It was from a large company, Gregson Associated Plastics, and they wanted an equally large web site. Mandy read the email several times and realised that this would be a massive job. Go for it, she thought, replying with a rough estimate of several thousand pounds. At the very worst, they could only say no.
Wondering whether to ring Gary and tell him that she’d see him that evening, Mandy imagined John arriving and making up a threesome. Two cocks, she thought, her clitoris stirring, her vaginal juices flowing between the swelling lips of her pussy. As she filled the kettle for coffee, she recalled Paula’s remarks about shaving her pussy. Was that what men really liked? It was something she’d never even dreamed of doing, but now she wondered whether she should try it.
She bounded upstairs to the bathroom, slipped her drenched panties off and tugged her short skirt up over her stomach. Her black pubic curls concealed her sex crack and she wondered what Gary would say when he saw her hairless pussy. Would he like it? she wondered as she massaged hair-removing cream into the fleshy lips of her vulva. What would John think? She knew that she was doing this to keep up with Paula and she began to wonder how far she’d go in the game of one-upmanship. Would she allow three men to join her in her bed and triple-fuck her just because Paula had?
Allowing the cream to do its job for fifteen minutes, she realised that Paula had become her role model. The girl seemed to have so much excitement in her life. Rather than stay in for the evening, she’d gone to a bar, met a rich man and spent the night at his country house. Paula had some nice clothes, she thought, wondering whether to spend a little money on a new skirt and top. Not having a social life – or any money – she hadn’t bought any clothes for over two years.
‘God,’ Mandy breathed, washing the cream and curls away from her pussy. Her hairless sex lips swelling, her naked crack opening, she gazed wide-eyed at her exposed vulva. It was too late now, she thought, drying her hairless sex-lips, tugging her panties up her long legs and lowering her skirt. There was no turning back now. What if Gary didn’t like it? What if John … She left the bathroom, her sex-soaked panties caressing her hairless outer lips, bounded down the stairs and grabbed the ringing phone.
‘Hi, it’s me,’ Paula said. ‘When I got back to the office I realised that I’d left you to pay the bill.’
‘That’s OK,’ Mandy replied, with a chuckle. ‘I can afford it.’
‘No, no, it’s not right. Look, I’m leaving the office now. I’ll come round with the money.’
‘Honestly, Paula, it doesn’t matter.’
‘Give me your address and I’ll be there about four.’
Mandy needed the money, but she didn’t want Paula seeing her flat. She’d make up some excuse about the old furniture, she decided, finally giving the girl her address. Replacing the phone, she bit her lip as she looked around the lounge. The carpet was threadbare, the sofa had seen better days, and the curtains looked as though they’d been there for fifty years. What would Paula think? What on earth would she say? There was nothing she could do, she decided as she straightened the sofa cushions. There was no way she could hide the fact that she lived in near-poverty.
As she tidied the kitchen, Mandy wondered whether to close the lounge door and take Paula into the dining room. Her computer and the desk looked all right and the table and chairs weren’t too bad. This was the end of the game, she knew as she paced the floor. There’d be no more one-upmanship once Paula had seen the flat. There again, she hadn’t claimed that she lived in a penthouse. She’d lied about her sexual encounters, but not about her flat. Answering the door when Paula arrived, she invited the girl in and led her into the dining room.
‘Sorry about the state of the place,’ she said softly.
‘I can see why you want to move,’ Paula said, looking around the room.
‘Yes, I … I’ve put all
my furniture into storage,’ Mandy said, having an idea.
‘Into storage? Why’s that?’
‘I’m going to rent the flat out. That’s why I’ve bought all this old furniture.’
‘Oh, I see. So, have you found a house?’
‘I’m still looking, but there is one I’m very interested in.’
‘I must say I was surprised to find that you live in this area. I thought you’d have a posh flat somewhere.’
‘No, no. I bought this place purely to rent it out. I’m only living here temporarily. So, where’s your house?’
‘The small house, the one I live in, is in Church Road.’
‘Yes, I know it,’ Mandy said, wandering into the kitchen and switching the kettle on.
‘It’s not much, but it’s all I need.’
‘What number is it? Only, I had a friend who lived in Church Road.’
‘I don’t invite people round.’
‘Why not?’
‘Well, because it’s only my base, somewhere to live. I work all hours and I’m abroad a lot so … It’s just a place to sleep.’
Placing the coffees on the kitchen table, Mandy felt that Paula wasn’t telling her everything. She’d talked about a gardener, and a cleaning woman who also did her shopping. So why not invite people round? It wasn’t as if she was short of money, so what was the problem?
‘I’d love to see your garden,’ Mandy persisted. ‘It must be really nice with a gardener looking after things.’
‘The garden is nice,’ Paula replied abstractedly. ‘Anyway, when am I going to meet Gary?’
‘Gary? Well, I don’t know. I don’t see a great deal of him.’
‘We really must go out in a foursome. I’ll bring one of my men and …’
‘I don’t have much spare time,’ Mandy sighed. ‘I might be doing a web site for a large company soon, so I’ll have to get my other work out of the way. I suppose we could meet at the wine bar one evening.’
‘Does Gary have a friend? I mean, another man he could bring along.’
‘I don’t know. Why?’
‘I thought it might be fun if I went on a blind date. You know, Gary brings a friend along and I …’
‘I’ll have to ask him, Paula. Yes, he has friends, but I don’t know whether they’d want to go on a blind date.’
‘It would be a laugh. Anyway, it was just a thought. Right, I’d better be going.’ Finishing her coffee, Paula left the table. ‘Ring me, OK?’
‘Yes, I will,’ Mandy said, following her to the front door.
‘Fix something up with Gary, and let me know.’
Closing the door, Mandy frowned. A blind date? Why on earth would Paula want to go out on a blind date? Realising that Paula hadn’t given her the money for her lunch, she shook her head and sighed. Something wasn’t right about the girl, but she couldn’t put her finger on it. Paula had her own business, a beautiful car, two houses, men chasing after her … It didn’t make sense. Unless her thirst for new sexual conquests was unquenchable?
Deciding to walk to Paula’s house, Mandy grabbed her keys and left the flat. Noticing Paula turn the corner, she frowned as she walked briskly after her. Where was her car? she wondered as she turned the corner. Still, it was a lovely day, so maybe she’d decided to walk. Mandy was intrigued and now she wanted to take a look at the girl’s house. She’d seen Gary’s house, and now wanted to check out Paula’s place. Sure that the girl was hiding something she watched her turn along Church Road and open a front gate.
The house was small but well maintained, with a beautiful front garden, and Mandy couldn’t understand why Paula didn’t invite people round. She felt guilty for following her friend, but curiosity had got the better of her. Reckoning that the Mercedes was in the garage, she decided that Paula had been honest and really did use the house as a base. Working all hours and travelling abroad, she probably didn’t spend much time at home. And she preferred to go out in the evenings, so she probably didn’t want to bother with entertaining people at home. Deciding to walk home though the park, Mandy became aware of her wet panties rubbing against the hairless lips of her pussy. Unable to believe that she’d removed her pubic hair, she pondered again on her transformation since meeting Paula.
She sat on a bench in the park, feeling pleased that things were improving. The business was picking up, she had two men on the go … But her sexual transformation had been incredible. From a celibate prude to a nymphomaniac – she’d changed beyond belief. Looking up at the sun shining in a clear blue sky, she felt positive about the future. If her estimate for the large web site was accepted, she’d be able to afford some new clothes. If things carried on like this, there was a chance that she’d be able to buy some decent furniture and, possibly, a car.
Recalling her schooldays, Mandy remembered meeting Paula in the park. They’d play about on the swings, explore the woods … They’d been carefree days, days of happiness and no money worries. Paula used to say that she was going to be rich, and it seemed that her dream had come true. Mandy had never dreamed, and she thought that might have been her problem. If there are no dreams, they can’t come true, she reflected.
‘Mandy,’ a man said as he approached. ‘I haven’t seen you since you left home.’
‘David,’ she said softly, looking up at her parents’ next-door neighbour. ‘How are you?’
‘I’m fine. I was only saying to your dad the other day that I haven’t seen you in ages.’
‘I suppose I should go and see mum and dad,’ she sighed. ‘The weeks seem to pass so quickly and I never get time to go and see them.’
‘You’re looking good,’ he said, gazing at her short skirt, her naked thighs. ‘Mind if I join you?’
‘No, not at all.’
David was in his late forties, and Mandy had always got on well with him. He’d never married, and Mandy’s father had said that he was loaded. As David talked about her parents, Mandy’s thoughts turned to Paula. If she met David and discovered that he had money, she’d be trying to get off with him. But Paula wasn’t going to meet him, and Mandy wondered whether it was a good idea for her to meet Gary. Paula was a man-eater, and would be best kept away from Mandy’s male friends.
‘You might think this rather forward of me,’ David began, gazing into Mandy’s dark eyes. ‘But … would you like to come out for a drink one evening?’
‘Well, I … I don’t know,’ Mandy breathed.
‘I know I’m old,’ he said, chuckling.
‘No, no, it’s not that.’
‘I only mean as a friend, Mandy.’
‘Oh, I see.’
‘Good God, I didn’t mean anything else.’
‘Well, I …’
‘I’ve always liked you and … To be honest, I’ve always enjoyed your company. When your dad used to invite me round to his barbecues, you were always so friendly and … As I said, I enjoy your company.’
‘All right,’ Mandy said, smiling at him. ‘I’d love to go out for a drink with you.’
‘That’s great. You tell me when you’re free, and I’ll pick you up.’
‘I’m free this evening.’
‘Right, well, that’s settled.’
Giving him her address, Mandy thought that it would be nice to have David as a friend. Although Paula had talked about screwing older men, that wasn’t what Mandy wanted. David was a family friend. Sex wouldn’t come into it. Besides, she had Gary and John to use for sex. There was no point in soiling her friendship with David. Wondering where he’d take her that evening, she decided to wear her knee-length skirt and a blouse.
‘About seven o’clock?’ David asked her.
‘Yes, I’ll be ready,’ Mandy replied. ‘Don’t mention it to my parents. I mean, they might get the wrong idea.’
‘Don’t worry, I won’t even tell them that I’ve seen you. I was on my way to the bank, so I can’t stay. I’ll see you later.’
‘I’ll look forward to it, David.’
As sh
e watched David walk away, Mandy imagined her parents discovering that she’d been out with him. If they heard that she’d been out for a drink or a meal with their middle-aged neighbour, they’d be bound to come to the wrong conclusion. Recalling the times he’d been round to the family barbecues, she knew that her parents would think him a pervert if they discovered that he was taking her out. He’d watched her grow up, he’d given her birthday presents … No one would know of her new friendship, she decided. Not even Paula.
David arrived at seven in a Mercedes, which Mandy thought was a coincidence. It would be great if Paula could see her now, she mused as she settled on the leather seat. A middle-aged man with money and a nice car … Paula would be extremely envious, Mandy thought as David drove off. Again unable to believe how her life had changed in such a short time, she was looking forward to the evening. David knew her life history, and there’d be no sexual advances. Just a lovely evening out with a good friend, she thought happily.
‘It’s great to see you after all this time,’ David said. ‘You’ve been away from home for two years now, haven’t you?’
‘That’s right. Two years struggling to pay the mortgage on my flat and trying to get my web-design business off the ground.’
‘You’re young, Mandy. You have all the time in the world. I don’t know whether you’re into country pubs, but I know of one down by the river which is rather nice. I thought we might have a drink and then wander along the river bank, seeing as it’s such a nice evening.’
‘Yes, that sounds good. It’ll be nice to get out of town for a change.’
‘I suppose that at your age you go clubbing most nights.’
‘No, I … I don’t get out that often.’
‘Really? Well, I hope you enjoy the evening with me. I’ve always liked the countryside. Even during my teens, I preferred the country to the town. My friends would go clubbing and I’d go for walks and find a nice country pub or …’
As David talked about his love of the countryside, Mandy felt at ease in his company. It was nice to go out as friends, she mused again as he pulled up outside the pub. Leaving the car and following him, she thought how much nicer this was than the wine bar in town. It was good to get away from people. But the pub was busy, the tables outside were all taken, and she began to think that it hadn’t been such a good idea. She’d hoped to spend the evening having a quiet chat with David, and she was pleased when he suggested they go for a walk before having a drink.