Depths of Depravation Page 18
‘But, she’s very much a part of this.’
‘She’ll never be a part of such sordid…’
‘What would you say if I told you that I’ve already fucked her?’
‘I’d call you a liar. Please, take your cock out of my bum.’
‘You’re not very astute or intuitive, are you?’ he asked her, finally sliding his cock out of her sperm-bubbling rectum. ‘Haven’t you noticed the change in Desiree?’
‘Change?’ Belinda echoed, deciding not to allow him to rile her. She rolled over onto her back and looked up at him. ‘She’s forgotten about you now, Tony. She was infatuated at first, but now –’
‘Now, she’s no longer a virgin.’
‘In that case, you can forget about blackmailing me,’ she returned nonchalantly. ‘If you and Desiree have made love, then –’
‘I didn’t make love to her, Belinda. I fucked her.’
‘You’re off on your dreams again,’ she said, forcing a giggle.
‘I like your shaved cunt,’ he murmured, yanking her thighs wide apart. ‘Smooth, soft…But Desiree is far more obedient than you.’
‘What are you talking about?’ she asked him as he drove two fingers deep into the hugging sheath of her vagina. ‘Desiree is obedient? What do you mean?’
‘She shaved her cunt without question. Whereas you –’
‘Please, don’t talk about my daughter like that,’ Belinda cut in. ‘How many times do I have to tell you not to bring Desiree into this?’
‘The proof of the pudding is in the eating,’ he quipped, forcing a third finger deep into her spasming sex duct. ‘And the proof of her shaving is in her panties.’
Saying nothing as Tony lay full length on the bed and licked her swollen clitoris, Belinda knew that he was trying to cause trouble again. His fingers slid in and out of her tightening vagina, sending ripples of sex deep into her contracting womb. She knew that Desiree would never shave her pubic hair. Why did he have to try to cause trouble all the time? she pondered, as her insatiable clitoris swelled beneath his snaking tongue. He was a dreamer, she mused as he sucked her solid clitoris into his hot mouth. A dreamer, a troublemaker…
‘You love having your cunt fingered and your clitty sucked, don’t you?’ Tony said. His wet tongue lapped at her solid sex button. ‘You don’t have to pretend with me, Belinda. I’m not your husband, so you can be your real self, behave like the slut that you really are.’
‘I wish you’d shut up and get on with it,’ she snapped.
‘You want another orgasm?’
‘Yes, very much.’
‘Beg me, Belinda. Beg me to make you come.’
‘Please, make me come.’
‘Beg me to finger-fuck your tight cunt and suck your clitty to orgasm.’
‘For God’s sake…Please, finger-fuck my tight cunt and suck my clitty to orgasm.’
She closed her eyes as he stretched her fleshy outer lips apart to the extreme, and then let out a rush of breath as he again sucked hard on her painfully erect clitoris. His fingers bloated her vaginal cavern and his sperm squeezed out of the inflamed eye of her anus, as she tweaked her erect nipples to add to her incredible pleasure. Pulling on her milk teats, pinching and twisting her brown nipples, she shook fiercely as he managed to force a finger deep into the inflamed duct of her rectum.
He certainly knew how to pleasure a woman, she mused, again losing herself in her heightening arousal. He also knew how to rile her. Desiree would never shave her pubic hair, would she? I didn’t make love to her, Belinda. I fucked her. He was lying, she was sure. Desiree was a good girl, a studious girl…She was sixteen years old, and her hormones would be rousing, stirring. Why had she talked about first-time sex? She’d not allow a man almost old enough to be her father to make love to her. I didn’t make love to her, Belinda. I fucked her.
The proof of Desiree’s shaving would be in her panties, Belinda reflected, recalling Tony’s words. He was lying, he had to be. But there was no way Belinda would be able to find out. Desiree never walked around the house naked. And, if she had shaved, she’d make sure that her mother didn’t glimpse her young pussy. Tony was a bastard, Belinda mused, as he stirred her vaginal cream with his fingers and repeatedly swept his tongue over the sensitive tip of her erect clitoris. A lying, troublemaking bastard. But she needed him, she knew. She needed his cock.
‘I love shaved pussies,’ he said, painfully stretching her vaginal lips further apart as he massaged the inner flesh of her rectum.
‘You haven’t touched my daughter, have you?’ Belinda asked him, immediately wishing she hadn’t brought up the subject.
‘I’ve fucked her.’ He laughed. ‘I’ve fucked her shaved cunt.’
‘I’ve never met anyone as coarse as you. It’s no wonder you never married. No one would marry a man like you.’
‘I have no wish to get married, Belinda. I’m single and free. Free to fuck sweet little sixteen-year-old girls. And their sluttish, sex-starved mothers.’
‘Only in your dreams, Tony.’
The birth of her orgasm stirring deep within her contracting womb, Belinda threw her head back and pinched her erect nipples harder. This was heaven, she reflected, as he fingered her tight sex holes simultaneously. Her husband working away, her naked body expertly attended by another man, she knew that she could never say no to Tony. Whenever he wanted her, whenever he needed to use her for cold sex, she’d go running to him. Wondering what she’d become as her naked body became rigid, she reckoned that Tony didn’t stand a chance of getting anywhere near Desiree. Belinda was a slut, but her daughter certainly wasn’t.
‘Don’t stop,’ she cried as her clitoris exploded in orgasm. Her pussy-milk gushing from her finger-bloated vaginal sheath, her sex button pulsating wildly, she tossed her head from side to side and again cried out in the grip of her forbidden climax. ‘God, my…my beautiful cunt.’ Her orgasm rocking her naked body, her eyes rolling, she grabbed Tony’s head and ground the wet flesh of her open sex valley hard against his mouth. Barely able to breathe as she locked his head between her thighs, he sucked on her pulsating clitoris and double-fingered the burning sheath of her vagina and her tightening rectal duct.
Again and again, tremors of sex crashed through her naked body, tightening every muscle and reaching every nerve ending. Her inflamed rectum burning like fire as he crudely fingered her there, she convulsed wildly on her bed in the grip of her debased pleasure. Desiree should never experience this, she mused in her druglike state. Both holes fingered, a massive orgasm sucked out of her painfully swollen clitoris…The girl should never be subjected to such crude and immense sexual pleasure. Tony didn’t want Desiree, did he? Was jealousy rearing its ugly head?
Her pleasure finally subsiding, she released Tony’s head and allowed him to pant for breath. Was jealousy surfacing? Belinda again wondered in the aftermath of her mind-blowing climax. Did she want to keep her daughter away from Tony because she wanted him for herself? Confused in her dizziness, she dreaded to think that Tony would want to pleasure her daughter like this. Desiree was young, attractive, slim with rock-hard tits and a tight little pussy and…Belinda was sure that she wasn’t jealous of her young daughter. The very idea was ludicrous, wasn’t it?
‘God, that was the front door,’ Belinda whispered, propping herself up on her elbows. ‘Desiree must be back.’
‘Lock the door,’ Tony said, leaping off the bed.
‘There’s no lock. I’ll go down and take her out into the garden. You leave by the front door once we’re outside.’
‘I might stay here, naked in the marital bedroom.’ He chuckled softly.
‘Don’t be stupid,’ Belinda snapped, slipping into her dressing gown. ‘This is no time for your crazy games. Get out as soon as it’s safe.’
Belinda bounded down the stairs, her hands trembling, adrenalin coursing through her veins, and slipped into the kitchen. Relieved to see Desiree hovering on the patio, she hoped that Tony wouldn’t do anything stupid as she b
rushed her long black hair back with her fingers. If he hung around and Desiree discovered him in the house…This was a nightmare, she thought, joining her daughter beneath the summer sun. Another close shave. This time, too close for comfort.
‘No college?’ she asked the girl nonchalantly.
‘Oh, hi,’ Desiree said, turning and facing her mother. ‘I’ve got some work to do at home today. It’s OK, they know about it. I’m not bunking off.’
‘I…I was about to have a shower,’ Belinda lied, again hoping that Tony had left. ‘If you’d like to sit out here, I’ll make you some coffee.’
‘No, I think I’ll go up to my room and start work.’
‘Er…I was going to ask you about the garden.’
‘I thought we might get a couple of shrubs and –’
‘Mum, I’m not really in the mood to discuss the garden.’
‘Oh, all right. Did you sleep well?’
‘No, I didn’t. I have things on my mind.’
‘Do you want to talk about it?’
‘I don’t know.’ Desiree sighed, finally sitting on a patio chair. ‘I was talking to a couple of friends last night. We were chatting about relationships and…I told them about Tony.’
‘They don’t think he’s too old for me. I know that you’re not happy about it, but…’
‘Desiree, do you have a relationship with Tony? I think it’s time that you were honest with me.’
‘Talk to me, Desiree. You used to be able to talk to me.’
‘Yes, we have a relationship,’ she finally confessed. ‘You make some coffee, and we’ll talk about it.’
‘All right,’ Belinda said, her hands trembling again as she stepped into the kitchen.
Her mind swirling with a thousand thoughts as she filled the kettle, Belinda prayed that Tony hadn’t touched the girl. If they had sex and…Was he screwing both mother and daughter? she wondered anxiously. Had that been his intention from day one? He was a bastard, she knew. But would he really play one off against the other. Had he driven his cock into Belinda’s vagina and then screwed Desiree? Had he slipped his cock into Desiree’s vagina and then commanded Belinda to suck it? Dreading her daughter’s confession as she poured the coffee, she knew that she had to remain calm. This wasn’t Desiree’s fault, she reminded herself.
‘Coffee,’ she said with a smile, placing the cups on the patio table. ‘So, you and Tony…you have a proper relationship?’
‘Yes, we do.’
‘What about his girlfriend? You said that…’
‘He hasn’t got a girlfriend,’ Desiree confessed. ‘I…I made that up so you wouldn’t worry about me.’
‘Oh, er…I see. What’s been playing on your mind, then?’
‘Tony says that he’s a virgin, you say that he’s had loads of girls…I’m confused.’
‘This relationship…How far have you gone?’
‘We…Well, only touching.’
‘So, you’ve not actually…’
‘No,’ Desiree lied. ‘Not yet.’
Breathing a sigh of relief, Belinda knew that it was only a matter of time before Tony sank his penis into Desiree’s vagina. How long did she have to put a stop to this? she wondered. How long did she have to save her daughter’s virginity? At least the girl was talking about it, she mused, as she sipped her coffee. Turning her thoughts to Tony, again thinking what a bastard he was, she reckoned that she was going to have to have Desiree catch him in the act. Another woman in his house, a naked woman…But, how the hell was she going to set it up? The idea was a non-starter, she decided. All she could do was talk to Desiree, keep working on her and hope that she could preserve her virginity. Had Tony fingered the girl?
‘The reason that I didn’t want you and Tony to get together was because I didn’t want to see you get hurt,’ Belinda said, toying with her coffee cup.
‘I won’t get hurt, Mum,’ Desiree returned.
‘Won’t you? Tony is twenty-seven years old. He’s been around the world, met women, no doubt gone into bars and clubs…Do you honestly believe that he’s never touched another woman?’
‘Well, I…That’s why I’m confused. I agree with you that it seems rather odd that a man of his age hasn’t done anything. He swears that he’s a virgin, but…’
‘But, you don’t believe him?’
‘I want to believe him, Mum. But I can’t. I know that you don’t like him, I know that he’s twenty-seven, I know that he’s been around the world…But I love him. If he’s not a virgin, if he’s lying, then it’s because he doesn’t want to hurt me.’
‘But, he is hurting you. Can’t you see that? You’re confused, you didn’t sleep properly…He is hurting you, Desiree.’
‘I’d better get on with my work.’ Desiree sighed, finishing her coffee and leaving the table.
‘My advice is…don’t do anything yet. Don’t lose your virginity yet.’
‘Yes, well…I’d better do my work.’
Fuming as the girl went into the house, Belinda decided to have this out with Tony. He’d touched her, probably fondled her breasts and fingered her vagina and…Had she touched him? she wondered fearfully. Had he taught her how to wank his cock and bring out his spunk? If she’d sucked his knob, swallowed his spunk and…Recalling her teenage years, she knew that she’d have been only too eager to suck a cock and drink the creamy spunk. How many boys had come in her mouth? she wondered. How much sperm had she swallowed?
Anger welling in the pit of her stomach, she went up to her room and slipped into her summer dress. The time had come to deal with Tony once and for all. No more lies or threats or deals. No more stupid games. The time had come to put a stop to his nonsense. Hearing Desiree tapping on her computer keyboard, she slipped downstairs and left by the back door. Desiree was so young and innocent, she mused, as she crossed the lawn to the bushes. To think that Tony had had his hand inside her knickers, to think that he’d squeezed her breasts…If she’d gripped his cock, wanked him and brought out his sperm, then it would not be long before he was shafting her virgin pussy.
‘Tony rang while you were in the shower,’ Desiree said excitedly as she finished her breakfast. ‘He’s home this afternoon.’
‘Oh, right,’ Belinda murmured, her stomach churning. ‘The week has gone so quickly.’
‘It’s dragged by for me. He said that Spain was too hot. At least the computer room he was working in was air conditioned.’
‘I still think it odd that he went off to Spain for a week without saying anything.’
‘I’ve already told you that he had a phone call and had to rush off.’
‘Without so much as a goodbye?’
‘His company sent a taxi for him. There was no time for anything.’
‘You’ve done really well with your studies during the week. I hope you’ll continue to work hard.’
‘Of course I will. Right, I’m off to college. I’ll see you later.’
‘All right.’
As Desiree left the house, Belinda again thought it odd that Tony had rushed off without saying anything. He’d sneaked out of her house after that fateful episode in the marital bed, and had dashed off to Spain without a word. At least the week had been quiet, she mused, as she cleared away the breakfast things. Desiree had spent all her spare time studying, Belinda had enjoyed gardening – things had been back to normal. But, now? Tony was like a dark cloud, she reflected. The sun had shone for a week, but now the black cloud was looming on the horizon.
Pacing the lounge floor for hours, Belinda repeatedly looked out of the window. She hoped that Tony would arrive home before Desiree got back from college. She had to speak to him, make him understand that things were going to change from now on. No more crude sex, no more adultery, threats, blackmail, lies and deceit. Things were going to change. Sex, she mused dolefully, imagining his hard cock shafting her tight pussy. The feel of h
is knob battering her cervix, the taste of his fresh spunk…
Hearing a noise next door, she knew that Tony was home. She must have missed him arriving, she mused, as she left the house by the front door. Walking briskly up his front path, she didn’t want to waste any time. Desiree might come home early, she thought, ringing the bell. The first thing the girl would do was to visit Tony, and Belinda didn’t want that. This was going to end, here and now.
‘Ah, it’s the little slut,’ Tony said as he opened the door. ‘Come in.’
‘You can cut that out,’ Belinda snapped, walking into the hall and closing the front door. ‘We need to talk.’
‘I’d have thought that you’d need to fuck after a whole week without my cock?’ he quipped leading her into the lounge. ‘Have you been fucking yourself with a cucumber or…’
‘I had a long talk with Desiree the day you went away.’
‘She admitted that you’ve touched her, done things to her.’
‘I told you that I’d fucked her.’
‘I know that you haven’t gone that far, yet. Desiree is an honest girl. She wouldn’t lie to me.’
‘OK, so I’ve fingered her tight little pussy.’
‘Has she touched you?’
‘No, not yet.’
‘Tony, this has got to stop.’
‘Because…You fuck me, and then finger my daughter? Obviously, you plan to have both of us. Is that your kick? Is that your plan: to fuck mother and daughter?’
‘I’ve told you all along that it’s you I want.’ He sighed. ‘You push me away, and I’ll go to Desiree for sex.’
‘I didn’t push you away, for God’s sake. I kept to my side of the deal.’
‘The day I fingered Desiree’s hot little cunt was the day you said that you wanted nothing more to do with me. You seem to be suffering from short-term memory loss.’
‘I wanted this to end, Tony. Can’t you see that?’
‘And I don’t want it to end. What we did in your bed was amazing. And I want more. If I don’t get it from you, then I’ll get it from your daughter. I don’t know why you can’t accept that.’