Depths of Depravation Page 19
‘I had accepted it and was going along with you. What I didn’t realise was that you were touching my daughter, fingering my daughter. You lied to me.’
‘You turned me down, so I went to Desiree. I didn’t lie to you, Belinda. I told you what I’d do if you turned me down. I’ve said all along that it’s either you or Desiree. I didn’t lie to you. Perhaps you’ll believe me now when I tell you that it’s either you or Desiree?’
‘I…Please, keep away from her. I’ll do anything…’
‘I know you will, Belinda. You’ll do anything and everything I tell you. Do you understand?’
‘Yes, but you must swear to keep away from Desiree. She’ll be round to see you later. Please, tell her that it’s over. Tell her that…’
‘All right, I’ll do that. Now, I want you to strip naked and go up to my sex den.’
‘Yes, yes, anything. But, first, swear on your life that you’ll not touch Desiree again.’
‘I swear on my life, Belinda. But, the minute you mess me about, then I fuck the girl. So, you’ll do as I ask when I ask. Agreed?’
Slipping out of her dress, Belinda knew that she was in for a session of sexual abuse. But, as long as Tony kept his word, she’d do anything. To keep him away from Desiree was of paramount importance. He’d already violated her young body by pushing his finger into her young vagina. That was bad enough, she thought anxiously, as she unhooked her bra and pulled her panties down. But it could have been a lot worse.
‘Stubble?’ Tony remarked, eyeing the hairs sprouting on her vaginal lips. ‘This won’t do, Belinda. You’ll shave the minute you get home. Do you understand?’
‘But, my husband…’
‘That’s your problem, not mine. Now, get upstairs.’
Climbing the stairs with Tony following, she knew that he was eyeing the bulge of her pussy lips nestling between her slender thighs. With her womb contracting and her stomach somersaulting, she also knew that she was desperate for crude sex. She’d masturbated every day since he’d been away, sometimes twice a day. She’d thought about his cock, imagined his sperm bathing her tongue, splattering her cervix, filling her bowels…But she’d sworn not to succumb to her inner desires and have sex with him. Again, she’d lost the battle.
But she was doing this for Desiree’s sake, she reflected as she entered the sex den. No, she mused. The reason was twofold: to keep Desiree safe, and to enjoy hard, cold sex with her neighbour. Brian would notice her shaved pussy, she knew. But she’d come up with some excuse or other. Whether he believed her or not didn’t matter. She’d rather have to try to explain her shaved pussy to her husband than to think that Desiree had shaved for Tony.
Following Tony’s instructions and standing against the wooden frame, she allowed him to cuff her wrists and ankles. Her naked body bent over as he folded the frame and her long black hair cascaded over the floor. She looked up between her thighs as he knelt behind her and parted the firm cheeks of her bare bottom. This was her life now, she thought, as she felt his wet tongue teasing the sensitive eye of her anus. Crude sex, adultery, lies, deceit, betrayal…She was nothing more than a lump of female meat to be used and abused by her master.
‘You’ve been a naughty girl,’ Tony said, standing up. ‘You haven’t been shaving. I told you to keep your pussy shaved for me, and you deliberately ignored my order. That, in my opinion, isn’t the way an obedient slave should behave. You leave me no choice, Belinda. I’ll have to cane you.’
Saying nothing as he took a thin bamboo cane from the small corner table, Belinda squeezed her eyes shut. He would have caned her whether she’d shaved or not, she knew, as he ran the end of the cane up and down her anal gully. He didn’t need an excuse or a reason to thrash her. The first strike of the thin bamboo across her tensed buttocks jolted her naked body and she let out a deafening yelp. Again, the cane bit into the tensed flesh of her naked bottom. She couldn’t take too much of this, she knew, as the thin bamboo repeatedly landed across her burning buttocks. Her taut buttocks stung like hell and she felt dizzy. Six lashes, seven, eight…
‘Please, no more,’ she finally cried as the cane flailed her glowing bottom with a deafening crack. Ignoring her, Tony continued with the merciless thrashing. The pain permeated her glowing buttocks and her juices of arousal streamed down her inner thighs. She knew that she was in for an anal shafting the minute Tony had finished thrashing her. No one would know that she’d had anal sex with her next-door neighbour. But the weals fanning out across her crimsoned bottom would remain for at least a week. Evidence of her crude and illicit debauchery.
Breathing a sigh of relief as Tony finally dropped the cane to the floor, she watched as he then took something from a shelf and knelt behind her. He parted the fleshy pads of her outer labia and attached two metal clips to the sensitive wings of her inner lips. Fixing chains to the clips, he chuckled as he explained that she was going to be stretched. Her eyes widened as he hung weights from the chains and she watched the delicate petals of her inner labia pull away from her vaginal valley.
Leaving the heavy weights swinging between her thighs, painfully stretching the engorged petals of her inner labia, Tony grabbed a jar of Vaseline from the shelf. He smeared the grease over her anus, working it deep into her rectum with his finger, and then forced something hard and cold into the tight sheath of her bottom hole. Belinda said nothing as he twisted the shaft and pushed it fully home. This was the crude treatment she was saving her daughter from, she mused, as he rammed a huge vibrator deep into her vaginal canal. This was the crude treatment she’d longed for while Tony had been away. With her sex holes bloated, painfully stretched wide open, she knew that she was a common slut.
‘What the hell are you doing?’ she asked him as he blindfolded her.
‘I’m going to take some photographs,’ he replied. ‘You don’t want to be recognised, do you?’
‘God, no,’ she said. ‘You’re a bloody pervert. You have no idea how to treat a –’
‘You’re no lady,’ he cut in. ‘I’ll remove the blindfold, if you like?’
‘No, no. Just get it over with and let me go.’
Hearing movements as she peered into the darkness of the blindfold, she imagined her husband discovering the incriminating photographs. Hoping that the blindfold was enough to conceal her identity, she listened to the camera shutter as Tony took his pornographic pictures. If Desiree saw the evidence of her debauchery, she’d never understand. No one would understand, she knew, as Tony yanked the object out of her rectal canal.
‘I’ll take a few shots of my cock up your arse,’ he said, chuckling. The burning globes of her bottom rudely yanked apart, she felt his bulbous knob pressing hard against her well-greased anus. He was a pervert, she again thought, as his glans slipped past her defeated anal sphincter muscles and peered into the depths of her rectum. But, what was she? Her vaginal sheath bloated by the huge vibrator, she gasped as he forced his solid cock deep into her bottom hole until his knob came to rest in the dank heat of her bowels. He was a pervert. And she was a slut.
The heavy weights swinging between her thighs, painfully stretching the pink wings of her inner labia, she grimaced as he began his thrusting motions. Never had she known such perversity, such degradation and humiliation. The camera shutter clicked as her tethered body rocked with the anal shafting. She thanked God that her face wasn’t in shot. At least Tony had had the decency to blindfold her and conceal her identity, but what did he intend to do with the photographs? Sell them to a porn mag? Put them on the internet for all to see?
‘Are you ready for my spunk?’ Tony asked. Belinda could feel his lower belly slapping her crimsoned buttocks as he increased his shafting rhythm. Remaining silent, she felt her vaginal muscles tighten around the vibrator as her rectal duct flooded with creamy sperm. She knew that, apart from the incredible physical sensations permeating her tethered body, it was the thought of the crude shafting of her bottom hole that was sending
her arousal sky-high. Bondage, a naked-bottom caning, the weights stretching her inner lips, a hard anal shafting…It was the very idea of the crude sexual abuse of her naked body that was driving her libido to hitherto unknown heights.
‘I’ll take a few shots of my spunk oozing out of your arsehole,’ Tony said. Gasping as she felt his cock slide out of her rectum with a loud sucking sound, Belinda again heard the camera shutter clicking. She needed her freedom now. Her limbs were aching, her buttocks were stinging like hell, her rectal sheath was burning. She needed to go home and take a shower and rest. But Tony had other ideas. Amazed as he again drove his solid cock deep into her bottom, she let out a cry.
‘No more,’ she pleaded. ‘God, please, not again.’
‘Again and again.’ He sniggered, driving his swollen knob deep into the fiery heat of her bowels. ‘Again and again.’
‘I don’t know how you manage it,’ she said. ‘You must be some kind of sex machine.’
‘I am, Belinda. I am.’
Unable to comprehend his amazing staying power, Belinda listened to the squelching of sperm as he again shafted her inflamed rectal canal with a vengeance. Brian was a wimp in comparison to this sex maniac, she reflected, as the weights swinging from her rubicund inner lips painfully stretched her intimate sex flesh. Brian with his excuses, his weekly shafting and sperming from behind followed by his snoring…He was no match for Tony.
Over the years of staid sex, Belinda had forgotten what it was like to enjoy a hard shafting. Tony’s dirty talk and his virility had roused her sleeping lust, woken her inner desires. Now, she knew that she couldn’t live without Tony and his magnificent cock. Although Brian had done nothing wrong, she realised that she was beginning to dislike him. He was boring, a stick-in-the-mud, unadventurous, he lacked spontaneity…But he was her husband, she mused. And he was Desiree’s father. The marital home, the family unit…
‘More spunk, Belinda.’ Tony chuckled. ‘That’s what you want, isn’t it? You want your arse overflowing with spunk.’
‘Yes, yes,’ she murmured, her rectal duct again tightening around his veined shaft.
Her caned buttocks still stinging, her rectal duct burning, her vagina painfully gripping the vibrator, Belinda felt the second load of orgasmic cream flooding the fiery depths of her bowels. She’d never dreamed that such crude abuse of her naked body could bring her such immense pleasure. Then again, her dreams of hard sex had melted over the years. Everything had melted over the years, she reflected. Her life had become mundane, monotonous…Until now.
‘Your brown ring is dragging along my cock,’ Tony announced with a chuckle. ‘I can see it pulling away and then disappearing into your bum as I fuck you. Can you feel my knob driving into your bowels?’ he asked her. ‘Can you feel the spunk filling you?’
‘Fuck me,’ she said. ‘Fuck me senseless.’
Listening to his running commentary, Belinda let out a rush of breath as his balls drained and he finally withdrew his cock from her sperm-brimming rectal sheath. He’d not be able to shaft her again, she was sure, as she heard movements behind her. She hoped that she’d finally be allowed her freedom as the wooden frame was moved to the upright position. She squinted as Tony removed the blindfold. Shaking her head, her long black hair cascading down her naked back, she clung to the frame to support her sagging body as he released the handcuffs.
‘That’ll be enough for now,’ he said as she turned and faced him. ‘I’ll give you another arse-fucking this evening.’
‘I have to go home,’ she said shakily, pulling the metal clips off her distended inner lips and tugging the vibrator out of her inflamed vagina. ‘I need to rest and –’
‘And shave the stubble off your pussy,’ he cut in.
‘Yes, I will.’
‘You enjoyed that, didn’t you? You enjoyed an arse-fucking.’
‘Yes, I did. Tony, I…’
‘You what? What’s the problem?’
‘I’ll show you the photographs when you come back this evening.’
‘I don’t want to see them,’ she returned, opening the door. ‘I have some thinking to do. I’m confused and…’
‘There’s no reason to be confused,’ he said. ‘You want my cock up your arse. There’s nothing confusing about that. I’ll see you later, slave,’ he called as she left the sex den.
Belinda made her way downstairs and hurriedly dressed in Tony’s lounge. She didn’t think that she’d be able to sit down for a week. Her buttocks stung like hell as she tugged her panties on. She headed for the back door and made her escape into the garden. Sperm oozed from the inflamed iris of her anus and soaked into the tight material of her panties as she slipped through the bushes and walked across the lawn to the patio. She needed a shower; she needed to rest. If Desiree came home and found her mother in this state…She dashed into the lounge and answered the phone and her heart leaped into her mouth as Brian asked her how she was.
‘Fine,’ she replied. ‘I…I’ve been out for a walk.’
‘Good news,’ he said excitedly. ‘I’ll be home next week.’
‘Next week?’ Images of her shaved pussy filled her tormented mind. Pictures of her weal-lined buttocks. ‘But…’
‘My promotion is going ahead so I have to get back to the London office.’
‘Oh, I see.’
‘You don’t sound very pleased.’
‘No, no…I’m delighted, Brian. Desiree will be so pleased.’
‘I’ll be back in Tokyo the week after next, but at least I’ll have some time at home. How’s that new chap next door? Settled in, yet?’
‘I…I don’t know. I’ve not seen much of him.’
‘We’ll have to invite him to a barbecue.’
‘Yes, that’s a good idea.’
‘Right, I have to go. I should be able to call tomorrow.’
‘I’ll tell Desiree the minute she gets home from college. She’ll be delighted.’
‘OK, love. Bye for now.’
Replacing the receiver, Belinda felt panicky. Her heart banging hard against her chest, her hands trembling, she paced the lounge floor as anxiety gripped her. At least Brian was going back to Tokyo the following week, she thought. But he was bound to notice her shaved vulva and her crimsoned buttocks. Trying to calm herself, she had a quick shower and changed into a T-shirt and short skirt. She reckoned that, if she didn’t shave again, the stubble covering her vulva might grow enough for Brian not to notice. She could say that she’d trimmed her pubes, she mused. Perhaps trimmed them a little too much.
To her horror, she found herself thinking that it would be best if her husband never came back. Life would be a lot easier and far more exciting, she thought in her rising wickedness. Sex with Tony, bondage and spanking, massive orgasms…Trying to think straight, she made herself a cup of coffee and wandered out into the garden. She’d changed, she knew, as she placed her coffee on the table and eased her stinging bottom onto a chair. It was incredible to think that, in such a short space of time, she’d committed adultery, enjoyed anal sex, bondage and the cane…and was now wishing that her husband would never return. Her relationship with her daughter had also changed. In such a short time, her life had been turned upside down and inside out. Had she really changed? she mused. Once a slut, always a slut.
Images of Tony fingering Desiree’s young vagina loomed in her mind as she sipped her coffee. The very fingers that had delved into her own pussy, she mused. Had Tony set out from day one to seduce both mother and daughter? The threats and taunts, his jibes about Desiree’s young body…He’d been playing one against the other, she knew. Desiree was confused, thought that she was in love. But, once her father was home…Would she listen to him? Belinda wondered. She always used to listen to him and take his advice. Would she listen now?
Sperm still oozing from her abused bottom hole, Belinda felt her clitoris stir as she pictured Tony’s knob stretching her anal ring wide open
. This was all a game to him, she thought. What was it to her? Adultery, deceit, lies…One thing was for sure, she decided: the times she’d spent with Tony had been incredibly sexually gratifying. But her massive orgasms had only served to fire her libido and she now thought about sex constantly. Her pussy-milk was flowing into the tight crotch of her cotton panties, but she didn’t want to have to masturbate yet again. But she knew that she had no choice as her vaginal muscles tightened.
‘Hi, Mum,’ Desiree trilled, skipping through the back door onto the patio. ‘Is Tony back yet?’
‘I…I don’t know,’ Belinda lied. No privacy, no time to masturbate. ‘I’m sure that I would have heard him if –’
‘I’ll go and see,’ the girl said excitedly, heading towards the bushes.
‘Desiree, wait a minute. I want to talk to you.’
‘What, now?’
‘Yes, now. It’s about your father.’
‘He’ll be home next week.’
‘Really?’ Desiree cried, her pretty face beaming. ‘But, why? I mean…’
‘He rang and said that his promotion is going ahead and he has to come back to the London office.’
‘When? Which day?’
‘He didn’t say. The thing is –’
‘I can’t wait to see him. That’s great news, Mum.’
‘Yes, it is. Desiree, the thing is that I don’t know what he’s going to say when he finds out about Tony.’
‘Tony? What do you mean?’
‘You know what your dad’s like. You’re only sixteen, Tony is twenty-seven and…’
‘And what?’
‘What do you think your dad will say when he discovers that you’re seeing a man of his age?’
‘Well, I…I don’t know. I hadn’t thought about it.’
‘In that case, you’d better give it some serious thought.’
‘He won’t mind, will he?’
‘Mind? I think he’ll go mad. As you know, I’m not happy about it. What your dad will say, I dread to think.’
‘I won’t tell him,’ Desiree said. ‘Will you promise not to say anything to him?’