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Depths of Depravation Page 21

  ‘OK, and don’t go getting any silly ideas.’

  ‘No, I won’t.’

  * * *

  Pleased to see Desiree going off to college, Belinda wondered what Tony had said to her. She seemed a lot happier, which Belinda found disappointing. But things were going according to plan, she concluded. Desiree was obviously concerned about Tony, his intentions, which could only serve to weaken their relationship. Once lies reared their ugly head and trust began to fade, then the end of the relationship was in sight.

  Was her relationship with her husband coming to an end? Belinda pondered. Was her marriage coming to an end? Things could certainly never be the same again. Every time Brian snuggled up behind her in bed and sank his penis into her vagina, she’d think about Tony. Would Brian notice the change in her? she mused. He’d certainly notice her weal-lined buttocks and her shaved vulva. But she’d come up with some excuse or other, some lie or other. She fell over in the bushes and landed on her bum. She’d trimmed her pubes and had gone too far. Lies and deceit. Betrayal.

  ‘I want to talk to you,’ Tony called, leaning on the fence as Belinda went out into the garden.

  ‘Oh?’ Belinda said, eyeing the envelope he was clutching.

  ‘What’s all this about a girl leaving my house this morning? You’ve been trying to cause trouble again, haven’t you?’

  ‘I really have no idea what you’re talking about,’ she returned.

  ‘I just happened to mention to Desiree that I saw a girl leaving your house.’

  ‘But, it’s not true.’

  ‘Tony, I saw a girl walking down your path early this morning. When I mentioned it to Desiree, I wasn’t suggesting anything. I wasn’t trying to imply anything. It was merely a passing comment.’

  ‘Why you deliberately try to upset your daughter, I can’t think. You’d better get yourself up to my sex den.’

  ‘I’m busy this morning,’ she returned.

  ‘You’d better take a look at these,’ he said, pulling several photographs out of the envelope.

  Belinda gazed at a shot of Tony’s cock embedded deep within her bottom hole and grimaced. ‘I don’t want to see your porn pics,’ she snapped angrily.

  ‘Perhaps Desiree would like to see them?’ he said.

  ‘There’s no saying that it’s me in the pictures, so don’t start –’

  ‘What about this one of you over the frame?’ he cut in. ‘There’s a mole on your hip, you can see your long black hair trailing over the floor, and there’s a small scar on your leg…’

  ‘What the hell…’ she said shakily, snatching the photograph. Gazing at an unknown man shafting her bottom hole, she leaned on the fence to steady herself on her sagging legs. ‘Who, who…’ she stammered.

  ‘That’s Ian, a mate of mine,’ he enlightened her.

  ‘You bastard,’ she said, gazing at the young man. ‘You fucking bastard.’

  ‘That’s what the blindfold was for.’ He sniggered.

  ‘You fucking…’


  ‘I knew that you were a vile little man,’ she hissed, ripping the photograph up. ‘But to sink this low…’

  ‘Come on, Belinda. You loved every minute of it. I fucked and spunked your arse, and then Ian had a go. And you loved it.’

  Belinda staggered across the lawn to the patio, sat down and held her hand to her head. Stunned, she couldn’t believe what Tony had done. He was despicable, she reflected angrily. To blindfold her and sneak another man into the room…To invite another man to shaft her rectum, and then take photographs of the vulgar act…Recalling the mole, the small scar, she knew that Desiree would recognise her instantly. And her husband, she thought fearfully. If he saw the incriminating photographs…

  ‘Are you all right?’ Tony called.

  ‘No, I’m bloody not all right,’ she retorted. ‘How dare you…’

  ‘A cock is a cock, Belinda. What does it matter who it belongs to?’

  ‘What does it matter? For Christ’s sake, Tony. What the hell do you think I am?’

  ‘I didn’t charge him for the pleasure of your tight arse.’ He chuckled.

  ‘You didn’t charge him? My God, you’re a vile man.’

  ‘I do believe you’re right.’

  ‘I never want to see you again, do you understand?’

  ‘You’ll be seeing a lot more of me. And a hell of a lot more of my cock.’

  ‘No, Tony. This has gone too far. I agreed to have sex with you on the understanding that you’d keep away from my daughter.’

  ‘Which I’ve done. Well, almost.’

  ‘I did not agree to have strangers fuck my…my bum.’

  ‘Ian’s not a stranger. He’s a very good mate of mine.’

  ‘You know what I mean. How dare you…’

  ‘Calm down, for God’s sake. You’ve had a couple of cocks spunk your arse. What of it?’

  ‘What of it?’

  ‘You must have had dozens of cocks, Belinda. Don’t go all moralistic on me. You’re a slut, and always have been.’

  He was right, Belinda knew, as she twisted her hair nervously around her fingers. But to have one man after another sink his penis into her bottom hole and…Recalling her teenage years, the two boys she’d taken to the woods, she remembered sucking on their purple knobs simultaneously. They’d come together, pumping their fresh spunk over her tongue as she’d gobbled on their orgasming plums and swallowed their teenage cream. But she’d been young and stupid, she reflected. Now, she was a married woman with a teenage daughter and a lovely home and…

  ‘You’d better get yourself up to my sex den,’ Tony said, breaking her reverie.

  ‘No,’ she spat. ‘If you think –’

  ‘In that case, I’ll invite Desiree up to my sex den,’ he cut in. ‘She’s coming round after college. I wonder whether she’d like to see the photographs of her mother getting her arse fucked by two men?’

  ‘You’re a bastard.’

  ‘So you keep saying.’

  ‘I don’t want anything more to do with you, Tony. Blackmail me, do what you like, but –’

  ‘I’ll do exactly what I like. And the first thing will be to initiate Desiree into the crude art of anal sex. The choice, as always, is yours. It’s either you, or your daughter. I’ll be waiting upstairs for you.’

  As he went into his house, Belinda recalled Tony driving his cock deep into her bottom hole. He didn’t have staying power after all, she mused, recalling the second man’s solid penis gliding into her sperm-bubbling anal sheath. Although she tried to deny that the notion of two men taking turns to shaft her bum was sending her arousal rocketing, she felt her stomach somersault, her clitoris swell. Once a slut, always a slut.

  Tony had no morals whatsoever, she thought. He was an unscrupulous bastard, a cheating, lying…The man was a sex-crazed pervert, she concluded. And she was nothing more than a lump of female meat to be used and abused, she decided, as her clitoris called for her intimate attention. Tony was a first-rate bastard. But there was something about him, something irresistible. His cock, she thought, imagining his purple knob bathing her tongue with spunk.

  Leaving her chair and heading across the lawn to the bushes, she knew that she had no power to fight her inner desires. She also knew that, at any cost, she had to keep Desiree away from Tony. He’d have no qualms about blindfolding the girl and inviting his friend to shaft her teenage pussy. Or, worse still, her bottom. Emerging from the bushes and walking towards Tony’s back door, she felt confused and numb. Tony was going to punish her, she knew, as she stepped into his kitchen. Like a lamb to the slaughter.

  Climbing the stairs to the sex den, she wondered whether Tony’s friend was lurking, hiding somewhere, waiting for the opportunity to ram his cock deep into her rectum. She could hear Tony moving about in his den of iniquity, no doubt preparing the wooden frame, the handcuffs and the bamboo cane. Pushing the door open, she was thankful that he was alone. Although the notion of another man sha
fting her bum had sent her arousal sky-high, she wasn’t prepared to share her body with two males.

  ‘Welcome to my sex den.’ Tony chuckled. ‘I’d like you to strip naked.’

  ‘What are you going to do?’ she asked stupidly.

  ‘You’ve been a naughty little girl, Belinda. You’ve tried to cause trouble with Desiree, and I don’t like that.’

  ‘I haven’t tried to cause trouble.’

  ‘Telling her that a girl stayed here. You lied to her, Belinda.’

  ‘No, I…’

  ‘And now you’re lying to me. I hope you’ve shaved for me? I did order you to shave off your stubble. I hope you haven’t disobeyed me?’

  ‘No, I…I haven’t shaved,’ she confessed. ‘My husband will be home…’

  ‘Oh dear.’ He sighed.

  ‘No, you don’t understand. My husband…’

  ‘I understand only too well.’

  Belinda knew what Tony expected as he grabbed the handcuffs and leather riding crop. Turning her gaze to the thin bamboo cane lying on the table, she tensed her buttocks. She’d been a naughty girl: she’d defied him, lied to him…and had to be punished most severely. She slipped out of her T-shirt and short skirt, removed her bra and panties and stood naked before her master. He ordered her to stand against the wooden frame with her feet wide apart and cuffed her ankles to the posts. Holding her hands up above her head and cuffing her wrists to the top sections of the X-shaped frame, he let out a wicked chuckle.

  ‘I find that it’s always best to begin with the riding crop,’ he said, lowering the top half of the frame, her naked body bending over until her long black hair cascaded over the floor. He stroked the firm flesh of her naked bottom, and then moved his hand down between her parted thighs and cupped the swell of her pussy lips. ‘The crop will warm you up in readiness for the cane.’

  The riding crop wasn’t too bad, Belinda thought, as the leather loop landed across each twitching buttock in turn. Her naked buttocks warming, turning red, she squeezed her eyes shut and endured the beautiful thrashing as her master chuckled. But she wasn’t looking forward to the thin bamboo cane. The swishing sound, the loud cracks…The cane was a horrendous punishment. But she’d defied him by not shaving her vulval stubble, she reflected. She deserved the cane, she mused, as the leather loop repeatedly lashed her naked buttocks.

  Brian would be home soon, she thought fearfully. He’d notice her shaved pussy, her weal-lined bottom and…Wondering whether to make out that she wasn’t well, she pondered on sleeping in the spare room. If she kept coughing, she could suggest that she sleep in the spare room so as not to disturb him. If he was only home for a week, she might get away with it. But, what would happen when he next came home? Trying not to plan too far ahead, she was thankful that there were no telltale signs of anal sex. He’d never discover that she’d had two penises shafting her rectum, pumping spunk deep into her bowels.

  ‘I reckon that you need a double screwing,’ Tony said, halting the thrashing. ‘One cock shafting your sweet arse and another screwing your hot pussy.’

  ‘Never,’ Belinda said, her twitching buttocks stinging. ‘There’s no way I’m going to have two men –’

  ‘I wasn’t giving you a choice,’ he cut in. ‘I was just thinking that you need a double fucking.’

  ‘Tony, I –’

  ‘With two massive cocks shafting your tight holes, rubbing together through the thin walls of your pussy and your arse…How about a third cock fucking your pretty mouth? Three cocks, Belinda. Three cocks fucking and spunking your holes.’

  To her sheer horror, the notion excited her. But she knew that she’d never commit the debased act. Triple adultery, she mused, as Tony discarded the riding crop and grabbed the cane from the small corner table. Three men, three cocks…Her naked body jolted as the thin bamboo landed squarely across her glowing buttocks and she let out a shriek. Tony was a monster, she thought anxiously, as the cane again flailed her tensed bottom cheeks. Would he really invite two men to join him in his sexual debauchery?

  ‘No,’ she cried as the thin bamboo bit into the crimsoned flesh of her twitching bottom. ‘Tony, please…’

  ‘Harder?’ He chuckled, bringing the cane down across her bum with a deafening crack.

  ‘Please, no more.’

  ‘Do you promise to shave?’

  ‘Yes, I promise.’

  ‘And you want three cocks?’

  ‘No, not three.’

  ‘Two, then?’

  ‘No, Tony. You’re not going to share me with other men.’

  ‘You’ll agree to three cocks or I’ll resume the thrashing,’ he stated firmly.

  ‘Only a whore would have three men at once.’

  ‘And you’re a whore, so what’s the problem?’

  ‘For God’s sake, Tony. I’m a woman, a person, not a lump of meat.’

  ‘You’re a slut, Belinda, and you know it. I’ll be back in a minute.’

  As he left the room, Belinda wondered whether he was going to invite two men to join him in using and abusing her tethered body. He wouldn’t do it, she mused, desperate to clutch her stinging buttocks. He’d already had another man shaft her rectal duct, she reflected. He wouldn’t force her to endure three cocks, would he? Her vaginal muscles tightening, her clitoris swelling between the fleshy lips of her pussy, she tried to push the images of three cocks spunking her naked body from her mind. Her bottom hole, her pussy, her mouth…

  ‘What are you doing?’ she asked as Tony returned and brought the frame upright.

  ‘Letting you go,’ he said. ‘My friends will be round this evening. In the meantime, you can go.’

  ‘Your friends?’

  ‘Three cocks, Belinda.’ He chuckled. ‘Before you go, I have a little surprise for you.’

  ‘I don’t want any surprises,’ she snapped. ‘Just let me go home and rub some cream into my bum. It hurts like hell. I won’t be able to sit down for a week.’

  ‘I bought this especially for you,’ he said, fixing a studded leather collar around her neck.

  ‘Tony…I can’t go home wearing this,’ she said angrily, tugging on the collar. ‘Take it off, for God’s sake.’

  ‘There’s a small padlock at the back, and only I have the key. Do you reckon that Desiree will like it?’

  ‘Tony, I want you to take it off.’

  ‘It’ll remind you that you belong to me.’

  ‘I do not belong to you or anyone else.’

  ‘And this one will remind you that you’re my sex slave.’ He chortled as he secured a leather belt around her waist.

  ‘Tony…Look, this has gone too far. Desiree will see the collar. How am I going to explain it?’

  ‘Tell her that it’s your new look. By the way, don’t bother to try cutting the collar off. Like the belt, it’s reinforced with steel wires.’

  ‘Now what…’ she began as he ran a metal chain between her thighs. Securing one end to the front of the leather belt, he pulled it tight and fixed the other end to the back. ‘Tony, for Christ’s sake…’

  ‘Nice and snug in your bum crack,’ he said with a laugh, releasing the handcuffs. ‘And your cunny crack. There, you can go home now.’

  ‘I can’t go home like this,’ she returned angrily. ‘Please, be reasonable.’

  ‘I’m allowing you to go home. That’s reasonable enough, isn’t it?’

  ‘All right, I’ll wear the belt. But at least take the collar off. I can hide the belt, but not the collar.’

  Agreeing, he released the collar and watched her dress. Fuming as she pulled her T-shirt down to cover the belt, she was acutely aware of the metal chain running within the valley of her pussy, embedded deep within the ravine between her glowing buttocks. This was crazy, she thought, as she brushed her hair away from her pretty face with her fingers. If her husband saw the belt and the chain…Tony wouldn’t put her through that, she was sure, as he followed her downstairs. He wouldn’t be that much of a bastard, would he?
/>   ‘I’ll see you this evening,’ he said as she opened the front door.

  ‘I’m not coming here to have three men…’

  ‘In that case, the belt stays where it is. By the way, the chain is stainless steel. You’ll never cut through it.’

  ‘I’m not coming here this evening,’ she repeated.

  ‘That’s the deal, Belinda. You’ll take three cocks or the belt and chain stay.’

  Walking to her front door, she knew that he wasn’t joking. Her buttocks on fire, the chain tight within her vaginal valley, she thanked God that he’d taken the collar off. At least Desiree was at college, she mused, as she closed the front door behind her. She bounded up the stairs to her bedroom and jumped when the phone rang. She moved to the bedside table and hesitated, her hand hovering over the receiver. It might be Brian, she thought, retracting her hand. She couldn’t speak to him wearing the leather belt and the chain.

  Lifting her T-shirt as the phone finally stopped ringing, she gazed at her reflection in the dressing-table mirror. The belt was about an inch wide with large metal studs spaced close together. The chain was too tight to allow her to turn the belt to bring the padlock to the front. This was yet another nightmare, she mused angrily, tugging on the belt. Turning and gazing in the mirror at her crimsoned buttocks, she held her hand to her mouth. The weals wouldn’t fade for weeks, she was sure. The phone rang again.

  ‘Hello,’ she said softly, pressing the receiver to her ear.

  ‘It’s me,’ Brian announced. ‘There’s been another change of plan.’

  ‘Oh?’ she said, hoping that he wasn’t coming home early after all.

  ‘I won’t be home next week.’

  ‘Oh, right.’ She sighed with relief.

  ‘I’ll be home the day after tomorrow.’

  ‘What? I mean –’

  ‘Aren’t you pleased?’

  ‘Yes, of course I am. How long will you be home for?’

  ‘At least a week. Are you all right, Belinda?’

  ‘Yes, I’m fine.’

  ‘The first thing we’ll do is have a barbecue. Oh, and we’ll invite the chap next door.’

  ‘Yes, that’ll be nice.’

  ‘Right, I’d better go. This was just a quick call to tell you the good news. I’ll see you soon.’