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Depths of Depravation Page 20

  ‘Desiree, I won’t lie to him. Besides, what will he think if you keep going out? You’re bound to see Tony in the garden and…’

  ‘It’ll be all right. Once dad realises that I’m in love, he’ll understand.’

  ‘He might understand if you were in love with someone of your own age. But, a man of twenty-seven? Tony is almost as old as me.’

  ‘I hadn’t looked at it that way.’

  ‘That’s the way your dad will see it. His daughter’s boyfriend is almost as old as his wife.’

  ‘So, what shall I do?’

  ‘Ideally, finish it now.’

  ‘I can’t, Mum. Why don’t you talk to Dad? Explain that…’

  ‘Explain what? There’s nothing I can say, Desiree. Tony is eleven years your senior. Nothing’s going to change that. Even if it was possible to keep it secret, your dad would notice the change in you. When he left, you wore baggy jeans and tops and didn’t bother about make-up. Now, you wear miniskirts, you have a thong, you’re always doing yourself up…And you’re always going out. You’ve only just this minute got in, and you’re rushing round to Tony’s house.’

  ‘I know, but I haven’t seen him for a week.’

  ‘Desiree, you were round there every five minutes before he went away. You either finish with Tony, or lie to your father. And lying won’t work.’

  ‘I’ll be back in a while,’ the girl said, ambling across the lawn to the bushes.

  ‘You’d better give it some thought.’

  ‘Yes, I will.’

  Praying that, at last, she was beginning to make her daughter see sense, Belinda decided to keep on about her father and what his reaction would be. The problem was that Desiree was growing up fast. She might not listen to her father any more. If she rebelled…Realising that the girl could move in with Tony, Belinda held her hand to her mouth. What was to stop her? she wondered. She was old enough to leave home. Dreading the idea, she wondered what the girl was up to next door. Had she seen Tony’s sex den? Was she handcuffed to the wooden frame with Tony’s cock embedded deep within her bottom hole?

  ‘You have a lovely bum,’ Tony praised Desiree, kneeling behind her as she pulled her short skirt up and leaned over the back of the armchair. ‘I’ve really missed you.’

  ‘And I’ve missed you.’ She sighed as he pulled her panties down to her thighs and parted the firm orbs of her naked buttocks.

  ‘I’ve missed your sweet bum,’ he said with a chuckle, licking the sensitive tissue surrounding her anal hole. ‘Mmm, you taste heavenly.’

  Worrying about her father as Tony drove a finger deep into the dank heat of her rectum, Desiree knew that her mother was right. He’d never understand, let alone accept that his daughter was seeing a man of 27. But, what could she do? It would be impossible to leave Tony. Living next door, she’d see him in his garden and…No, she could never leave him.

  ‘That hurts,’ Desiree complained as Tony forced a second finger into her tight bottom hole. ‘I thought that we were going to make love?’

  ‘We are,’ he said, biting on the firm flesh of her naked buttock. ‘I want to love your bum first.’

  Grimacing as Tony twisted his fingers, painfully stretching the delicate walls of her rectal duct, she again wondered about his intentions. Was this love? she mused anxiously. She’d not seen Tony for a week, and all he wanted to do was lick and finger her bottom hole. There’d been no passionate kiss, no embrace…I want to love your bum first. Desiree instinctively knew that this wasn’t right as she felt Tony’s tongue sweeping over the stretched tissue of her anus, licking around his fingers.

  Slipping his free hand between her parted thighs and burying more fingers in the wet sheath of her vagina, he repeatedly thrust deep into her hot sex holes. Her young body rocked with the crude violation of her rectum and vagina and she again pondered on her father’s reaction to her falling in love with an older man. Her mother was right, he’d go mad. But, if this was true love…Was Tony in love? she reflected. He’d been to Spain and obviously had not thought about bringing her a little present. A small trinket from a market would have been nice. Anything, just to show that she was in his thoughts while he was away.

  Slipping his sticky fingers out of her rectal duct, he pushed his tongue deep into her bottom hole. She could feel his lips locked to her brown ring as he licked inside her. Did he like the taste? she mused, again wishing that they’d gone up to his bed and made love properly. To have cuddled up to him in his bed, their naked bodies entwined…Tony obviously wasn’t the warm and loving type, she thought sadly. Not once had they been out for a walk, held hands and wandered through the park, enjoyed a coffee in town…

  ‘You taste great,’ he said, his fingers squelching her vaginal juices. He tongued her hot rectum. ‘There’s nothing I like more than tongue-fucking a young girl’s arse.’

  How many girls had he done this to? she wondered. Was he a virgin? There’s nothing I like more than tongue-fucking a young girl’s arse. Dripping with confusion, Desiree didn’t know what to think. She wasn’t sure how she felt about Tony any more. It seemed that he only wanted her for sex – for crude, cold sex. Perhaps this was his way of showing his love for her? she pondered. Some couples walked in the countryside holding hands, embracing, kissing and making love beneath the summer sun. Tony wanted Desiree over the back of an armchair with his tongue embedded in the hot depths of her rectal canal.

  ‘Tony, you do love me, don’t you?’ she asked as he yanked his pussy-wet fingers out of her vagina and stood behind her.

  ‘You know I do,’ he replied, matter-of-factly.

  ‘You haven’t told me about Spain.’

  ‘There’s nothing to tell. Too bloody hot, too much booze and the beaches littered with half-naked girls.’

  ‘What did you do in the evenings?’

  ‘Went to nightclubs. What else is there to do in Spain? Right, you wanted me to make love to you. Are you ready?’

  ‘Can’t we go up to your bedroom?’

  ‘I want you here, over the armchair.’

  Desiree felt the bulbous globe of his cock slipping between the engorged petals of her inner lips. She let out a rush of breath as he rammed the entire length of his solid penis deep into her teenage body. Her hair cascading over her face, her head resting on the armchair cushion, she listened to the slapping of his lower belly meeting her naked buttocks with every thrust of his huge cock. No embracing, no kissing. Just cold, loveless – as Tony would put it – fucking.

  ‘No,’ she cried as he slipped his juice-dripping cock out of her tight vagina and pressed his bulbous knob hard against her anal ring. ‘Tony, please…’

  ‘There’s nothing like an arse-fucking.’ He chortled, managing to force his purple crown past her defeated anal sphincter muscles.

  ‘No, I…I don’t want you to do that,’ she whimpered.

  ‘We’re learning together, remember? Two virgins discovering sex together.’

  ‘Yes, but…’

  ‘This is the closest two people can be. The closest, most intimate loving two people can share.’

  His knob glided along her tight rectal sheath, his shaft stretching her open to capacity. He managed to impale her fully on his rock-hard penis. Desiree gasped, her knuckles whitening as she gripped the arms of the chair. Feeling as though her pelvic cavity was about to explode, she couldn’t believe that he’d managed to sink his huge penis deep into her tight bottom hole. His fingers reached beneath his heavy balls, delving into the wet depths of her vagina, and he massaged his cock through the thin membrane dividing her sex ducts.

  ‘Like it?’ he asked shakily.

  ‘No, no, I…’

  ‘Tighten your muscles and squeeze my cock,’ he instructed. ‘Squeeze the spunk out of my knob.’

  ‘Tony, I…’

  ‘Yes, that’s it. God, you’re so tight and hot.’

  Doing her best to comply with his crude request, Desiree knew that the debased act was far removed from the loving rela
tionship she’d dreamed of having with Tony. Was her mother right? she again wondered. Had Tony been with lots of women? Was he capable of loving? Slipping his pussy-slimed fingers out of her vagina, he gripped her hips and withdrew his solid cock until the sensitive brown tissue of her anal opening hugged the rim of his helmet. With a crude vengeance, he rammed his knob deep into the meat of her bowels. Again and again, he propelled his swollen knob into the very core of her young body. Gasping with every thrust of his hard shaft, he muttered his words of crude sex. Tight-arsed schoolgirl, horny little bitch…

  The pain fading, her pleasure heightening, Desiree was beginning to enjoy the experience. She still wondered about love, holding and kissing. But the feel of Tony’s cock sliding in and out of her tightening rectum was sending her arousal sky-high. Her clitoris now solid, yearning for attention, she recalled Tony’s words: We’re learning together, remember? Two virgins discovering sex together. The closest, most intimate loving two people can share.

  As his sperm jetted from his throbbing knob, lubricating her anal cylinder and flooding her bowels, Desiree did feel close to him. No two people could have had a closer physical relationship, she mused dreamily. Her anal tissue dragging back and forth along his veined shaft, the squelching of his sperm resounding around the room, she knew that she’d found love. This was Tony’s way of proving his great love for her, she was sure as his swinging balls battered the hairless flesh of her swollen pussy lips.

  Repeatedly ramming his orgasming glans deep into the fiery heat of her bowels, his lower belly slapping her naked buttocks as he filled her with his seed, he reached between her thighs and massaged the solid nub of her sensitive clitoris. Desiree gasped, her breathing deep then shallow as she neared her climax. Tony was good, she mused in her sexual delirium. He knew exactly how to please a girl. Was this from experience? Or was he learning? They were learning together, weren’t they?

  ‘Coming,’ she said, her young body trembling. ‘Don’t stop. I’m…I’m coming.’

  ‘God, you’ve got a tight arsehole,’ he said, swinging his hips as he massaged the solid bulb of her ripening clitoris.

  ‘Please…Don’t stop. I’m…I’m coming.’

  Her orgasm erupted within the solid nub of her pulsating clitoris and she cried out in the grip of her climactic pleasure. Again and again, shockwaves of pure sexual bliss rolled throughout her body as her lover shafted her rectal duct and deluged her bowels with his creamy sperm. His vibrating fingertips working on her swollen clitoris, sustaining her multiple orgasm, he continued to shaft her anal canal until his swinging balls had drained and Desiree begged him to stop.

  ‘No more,’ she said, her young body shaking fiercely. ‘God, I can’t take any more.’

  ‘You’re amazing,’ he said, slowing his clitoral massaging rhythm as her orgasm receded. ‘We’re perfect together.’

  ‘Yes, yes we are,’ she whimpered, her eyes rolling in the aftermath of her forbidden pleasure.

  ‘I’d like to spank you now,’ he said, bringing her back to reality. ‘I want to spank your bare bottom.’

  ‘No, I don’t want that,’ she said shakily as his knob slipped out of her anus with a loud sucking sound.

  ‘Why not?’

  ‘Because…because I’d better get home. I need to rest, Tony. That was absolutely incredible.’

  ‘We’ll do it again,’ he said, slapping her naked buttock. ‘We’ll do it every day.’

  ‘Yes, we will,’ she agreed readily, hauling her trembling body upright. ‘I have some college work to do. I’ll come back later.’

  ‘I’ve got someone coming round this evening,’ he said, pushing the armchair back into place. ‘And I’ve got to unpack my things.’

  ‘Who’s coming to see you this evening?’

  ‘A work colleague. A young lady by the name of Sarah. She’s going to tell me where the company are sending me off to next.’

  ‘Abroad, you mean?’ she asked him, adjusting her clothing.

  ‘More than likely.’

  ‘Oh, right. Well, I’ll see you tomorrow.’

  ‘I enjoyed our time together,’ he said, kissing her cheek. ‘We’ll do it again tomorrow, OK?’

  ‘Yes, er…OK.’

  Leaving the house with sperm oozing from her abused bottom hole, Desiree wondered why he’d not kissed her passionately. He just wasn’t that sort of person, she concluded, heading across the lawn to the bushes. He’d forced his cock into her bum and spermed her bowels and…And that was it. That was his way of showing his love for her. Wondering where he’d be working next, she recalled his words about Spain. Nightclubs, booze, half-naked girls…A young lady by the name of Sarah. She was a work colleague, wasn’t she? Tony wouldn’t lie to her, would he?


  Pulling the quilt over her head as her mother drew the curtains back, Desiree didn’t want to go to college. After a sleepless night worrying about Tony and pondering on the illicit sex act she’d allowed him to commit, she couldn’t face anything or anyone, let alone college lectures. Her bottom hole was sore, dried sperm glued her buttocks together: a stark reminder of the crude act. A loving act? Or loveless?

  ‘You’ll be late,’ Belinda said.

  ‘I’m working at home today,’ Desiree murmured.

  ‘Not another day off, surely?’

  ‘I’m working at home,’ the girl repeated agitatedly. ‘I’m not taking a day off.’

  ‘Why did you keep looking out of the lounge window last night? You seemed moody, so I didn’t like to ask.’

  ‘Tony had someone from work calling on him. I thought I’d see what she looked like.’

  ‘Did you see her?’

  ‘No, I must have missed her.’

  ‘That explains it,’ Belinda said mysteriously, coming up with an idea.

  ‘Explains what?’

  ‘The girl I saw leaving his place early this morning. Would you like some tea or coffee?’

  ‘How old was she?’

  ‘I didn’t really take much notice,’ Belinda replied nonchalantly as she left the room. ‘I’ll make some tea.’

  As her mother went downstairs, Desiree sat upright and checked the time. Eight o’clock. Whoever it was had obviously stayed overnight with Tony, she mused angrily. So, he had lied to her. Deciding to have it out with him, she leaped out of bed and went into the bathroom. The time had come to sort this out, she thought, as she turned the shower on. The time had come to find out exactly what Tony was up to.

  Massaging soap into the sperm-sticky valley between her firm buttocks, Desiree felt that the worst thing was how stupid and naive she’d been. To have shaved her pubic hair off was bad enough, but to have allowed Tony to have anal sex with her? Her mother had tried to tell her about Tony, what sort of man he was, but she’d not listened to her. Imagining Tony sinking his solid penis into another girl’s rectal canal, pumping his sperm deep into her bowels, she finally stepped out of the shower and dried her curvaceous young body.

  She’d been used and abused, she reflected angrily as she went back to her bedroom and dressed in a miniskirt and T-shirt. She’d fallen for his charm, believed his lies – and given her naked body to him in the name of love. Drying and brushing her long black hair, she finally went downstairs and informed her mother that she was going to see Tony.

  ‘I’ve made you a cup of tea,’ Belinda said.

  ‘I won’t be very long,’ she murmured, leaving by the back door. ‘I have to discuss a serious matter with Tony.’

  ‘Is everything all right?’ Belinda asked, following the girl out onto the patio.

  ‘I don’t know, yet. I’ll be back in a while.’

  Concealing a grin as Desiree headed for the bushes, Belinda was pleased with her plan. But, she also felt guilty. She didn’t like lying to her daughter in order to ruin her relationship with Tony. But she was doing this for the girl’s own good, she tried to convince herself. Or, was it that she wanted Tony for herself? Her guilt mingling with confusion, she hop
ed that she was winning the battle with her daughter as she went back into the kitchen.

  * * *

  ‘Your mother’s lying again,’ Tony said as Desiree confronted him in the lounge. ‘I told you that Sarah was coming round last night. But she didn’t stay more than an hour or so. And she certainly didn’t stay all night.’

  ‘My mother wouldn’t lie to me,’ Desiree said dolefully. ‘She saw someone leaving your house early this morning.’

  ‘Perhaps someone called and I didn’t hear the bell. It could have been anyone walking down my path.’

  ‘You wouldn’t lie to me, would you?’ Desiree asked, hanging her head.

  ‘Why would I lie to you? Had I wanted Sarah to stay overnight, I’d not have told you that she was coming round.’

  ‘You might have told me in case I saw her arrive.’

  ‘I see your point, but how far do you want to take this?’

  ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘I could have said that she came back this morning to drop off some papers or something. One lie to cover another, and then more lies…’

  ‘I’m sorry, Tony.’

  ‘You don’t have to be sorry. But I do think it’s a shame that you don’t trust me. You seem to believe that I’m cheating on you, lying to you…If you’re going to become paranoid every time someone from work calls to see me –’

  ‘I’m not paranoid,’ she cut in. ‘Surely, you can understand my concern? You said that a girl was coming round last night, and my mother said that she saw a girl leaving your house early this morning. I put two and two together, that’s all.’

  ‘And came up with five. If there’s no trust, then I don’t see how we can carry on. Relationships are built on trust and loyalty, as well as love.’

  ‘Yes, I know. I’m sorry.’

  ‘Are you going to college today?’

  ‘No, I don’t feel like…’

  ‘I think you should, Desiree. Come round this afternoon, when you get home.’

  ‘Yes, you’re right. I’ll go to college and…and I’ll see you later.’