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Maid to Serve Page 8

  ‘You’ll soon get used to it,’ her boss interrupted glibly. ‘Besides, it’s only until I decide you can be trusted.’

  Hayley clutched her stinging buttocks ruefully. This was ridiculous, she thought angrily as Belinda stared at her. The woman must be insane!

  ‘You simply can’t do this to people,’ she complained.

  ‘I’m not doing it to people, my dear, I’m doing it to you,’ the woman corrected.

  ‘But why?’ Hayley asked again. ‘I mean, what makes you think I need to be taught discipline, and that you have the right to decide and administer it?’

  ‘It’s part of your training,’ the woman said blithely. ‘All young ladies need good training. Now, I don’t want to hear another word of complaint. As it is I’m annoyed enough that I’ve had cause to spank you again.’

  ‘May I go now, ma’am?’ Hayley asked.

  ‘Yes, you may go,’ the woman allowed. ‘We’ll have our talk later, after I’ve had a little nap for a while.’

  Leaving the bedroom Hayley headed up the stairs to her own room and closed the door. This was a madhouse, she was sure of that as she opened her wardrobe, wondering again where her clothes were hidden, then coming up with an idea, she crept out of her room and stole along the landing.

  Opening the door at the far end she knew the room was full of junk. A perfect hiding place, she decided, closing the door and looking about. There was an old wardrobe in one corner, surrounded by cardboard boxes. If she hid in there Michael and his crazy wife might believe she’d somehow fled the house and made her escape. Then when they were distracted with trying to track her down she could make her real getaway at their rear.

  Huddled in the wardrobe and pulling the door closed, she reckoned they’d go looking for her in the grounds, and if she were lucky they would leave the front door open while they searched the woods. It was a long shot, but worth trying. To escape Hadleigh Manor and the clutches of Belinda Philips, anything was worth trying.

  Hayley’s assumption was right. After an hour or so in the cramped, musty confines of the old hunk of furniture she heard Belinda calling for her. Hayley froze, hardly daring to breathe as she cowered in the gloom. If she was caught the consequences didn’t bear thinking about.

  Then she heard Michael calling for her too. Clearly Belinda had alerted him to her disappearance, and when silence finally fell she guesstimated the time was right, carefully emerged from the wardrobe, her muscles aching from maintaining such a cramped posture for so long, and peered out of the dirty attic window.

  Sure enough, followed by her husband Belinda was working her way towards the woods, looking this way and that with jerked movements of her head, clearly looking and listening for any movement or sound that might lead her to her prey. For someone who’d been brutally assaulted and then poisoned she had amazing powers of recovery, Hayley thought sardonically.

  As the woman disappeared into the woods Hayley smiled a little. This was what she’d been waiting for, so she turned and dashed from the room, along the landing and down the stairs. Once out through the unlocked front door she raced around the rear of the building and took cover behind a small, rickety old shed.

  Hardly able to believe she’d made it this far, she decided to wait a while before heading into the trees on the opposite side of the expansive lawns, to her left. She had no idea what lay beyond them, never having ventured in that direction before, but she just hoped there’d be a way out to a road. If not, then she’d have to wait until nightfall and make her escape through the main gates in the dark.

  Finally adjudging it safe to leave her hiding place, estimating Belinda and Michael would be deep in the woods to her right by now, she crept along a narrow path into the trees. Under their dense canopy it was darker, quite foreboding, but she kept going until thick brambles blocked her progress. There was no way she could get through their vicious barbs, she could go no further in that direction, and a tear of hopelessness rolled down her cheek as she hung her head.

  Then she caught her breath and cocked her head to one side to listen as she heard a noise. Someone was heading her way, and desperately she looked around for a hiding place. If it was Belinda or Michael...

  ‘Hello, what are you doing here?’ a young man asked, emerging from the bushes.

  ‘Oh, I...’ Hayley breathed, holding a hand to her chest as her heart raced.

  ‘Are you lost?’

  ‘No, no I... well yes, I suppose I am,’ she finally admitted. I came into the woods and now I can’t find my way out. I need to go that way,’ she added, pointing at the dense thicket of brambles.

  ‘You must have come in through the main gates of the big house,’ he said.

  ‘Um no, I didn’t,’ she hastily denied, rather unconvincingly.

  ‘There’s no other way in or out,’ he said, his eyes roaming over the shape of her breasts within the white blouse, then down to follow the shapely lines of her legs, causing her to tug uncomfortably at the hem of her short skirt. ‘Not unless you climbed over the wall, which is ten feet high.’

  ‘I – I can’t remember which way I came in,’ she lied, even more unconvincingly than before. ‘I was out for a walk when I... when I...’

  ‘You’re hardly dressed for a walk,’ he pointed out, brushing his long black fringe back from his tanned brow. ‘Have you come from the big house?’

  ‘Erm... no, look, can you get me out of here?’ she blurted, a little too desperately. ‘I don’t want to go back that way.’ She nodded in the direction of Hadleigh Manor. ‘There must be another way.’

  ‘Only if you’ve got a ladder,’ he said. ‘The wall runs around the perimeter of the grounds and there’s no way to climb it unless you have a ladder.’ He looked at her quizzically for a moment. ‘You’re not in trouble, are you?’ he probed.

  ‘No, of course not,’ she replied hastily, forcing a weak giggle. ‘I just lost my way and ended up here.’

  ‘Hmmm...’ he pondered, scratching his chin sceptically, his eyes continuing to scrutinise her shapely figure, crawling back up to her breasts, where they lingered blatantly.

  ‘So,’ she went on, trying to get back to the matter of escaping Hadleigh Manor, and trying to get his mind off her charms and the scanty uniform she wore, ‘how did you get in if it’s so difficult to get out?’

  He smiled mischievously. ‘I do a little poaching now and then,’ he confessed, his dark eyes sparkling at her. ‘If you need to get out of here I’ll help you, because I do know a way over the wall... but...’

  Hayley’s spirits rose hopefully at the start of his sentence, but plummeted by the time he finished it. ‘But what?’ she asked, fearing the worst.

  ‘But there are more brambles there too,’ he told her, ‘and dressed like that I don’t think you’ll manage it without getting scratched real bad.’

  ‘I could do it with more substantial clothes on,’ she suggested, desperate to get away now she’d got this far. ‘You know, jeans or something. Could you get me some?’

  The youth scratched his chin again. ‘Jeans?’ He considered this for a while, his lack of urgency beginning to infuriate the anxious girl. ‘Well, I suppose I could,’ he eventually decided. ‘You wait just here and I’ll see what I can do. Won’t be long.’

  And then he merged back into the undergrowth and Hayley was alone again, unsure whether he could be trusted – unsure of many things. But there was nothing she could do other than wait, she decided, sitting on the ground, wincing a little as her spanked bottom settled carefully on the earth and fallen leaves.

  Finding at least some peace and tranquillity among the whispering trees, she recalled the times when as a younger girl she would go for walks in the woods near to her home. The fresh summer air, birds singing, insects buzzing... she remembered sitting on the soft grass by a stream one afternoon after school; the unexpected and strange feeling she’d experienced d
eep in her tummy; the unfamiliar excitement between her thighs, in her panties... and she felt that same delicious sensation again, intensified by an urge to touch herself there.

  Overcome by the solitude and peace of the woods, her surroundings somehow rendering her unable to resist, she reached beneath her thigh as she brought her knees up to her chin, and allowed her fingers to toy with the lips of her sex through her panties. She’d never masturbated before, and couldn’t understand the powerful urge to seek self-pleasure now. Had Belinda’s physical abuse turned her on? Certainly something had happened to her over the last couple of days, she knew, as she slipped her fingertip inside her panties and between the damp lips of her sex, tentatively finding and massaging the sensitive nub of her clitoris.

  Resting back against a tree, her eyes closed, Hayley knew this was wrong as she continued to rub herself, deploying a second finger inside her panties. But why was it wrong? She’d always been a good girl, and it was unusual to find someone of her age still a virgin, so she surely deserved a little pleasure at some point...?

  ‘I’ll thrash the little bitch!’ Belinda’s voiced cut through the trees, and rudely wrenched from her dreamy pleasure, her eyes snapping wide open, Hayley scurried on her hands and knees around the tree she’d been reclining against and sank into the bushes behind it, holding her breath as she scanned the immediate vicinity for any sign of the woman or her husband. The traitorous youth must have told them where she was. He’d betrayed her, as she feared he might.

  Chapter 5

  Hayley remained undiscovered in the undergrowth until darkness fell. She hadn’t seen either of her hunters, or heard anything from them for a good few hours, so aching and stiff and with the cover of nightfall she decided it was safe to crawl out from her hiding place. Cursing the duplicitous youth for the umpteenth time, she headed back in the direction of the house, deciding her only route to safety was via the main gates.

  ‘Damn!’ she cursed under her breath, having skirted around the brooding house and flitted like a shadow down the drive, only to discover that the gates were closed and secured with a heavy chain and padlock. Turning back she gazed at the house. There was a light on in the study, where perhaps Michael was reading or doing some paperwork. She couldn’t stay out all night, but she couldn’t return to the house either. She should have prepared properly for her escape, she knew as she looked up at the dark clouds drifting across the silvery disc of the moon, noting that they looked a little rain-laden.

  Hearing a rustle in the bushes nearby she froze. This was all turning into a disaster, a nightmare. At least she’d had some comfort in the house – a warm and comfortable bed and plentiful food.

  Making a significant decision she retraced her steps, deciding to risk searching the utility room leading off the kitchen for something to keep her warm, and wondering whether she could even grab some food from the fridge or larder with which to fortify her for a long and potentially very cold night. If she could get through until morning, then she might have a chance to escape when the gates were unlocked.

  Finding the backdoor unlocked she slipped into the kitchen and listened for any signs of life, but the house was silent. Had they gone to bed already? She checked the time: ten o’clock. It was far too early for either of them to retire.

  Opening the fridge she peered in, and had just grabbed a slab of cheese when she heard someone moving out in the hall, and she was about to make her escape through the backdoor when Michael appeared.

  ‘Hi,’ he said, smiling at her, ‘I thought you’d gone to bed.’

  ‘I, um,’ she mumbled, the cheese in one hand, her other closing the fridge door, ‘um... no, I was just...’

  ‘Belinda’s sleeping,’ he went on. ‘Are you all right? You look tired.’

  ‘No, I’m fine,’ she replied, wondering what he was playing at, why he was so nonchalant and apparently unconcerned about her earlier disappearance.

  ‘I don’t suppose you’re making some coffee, are you?’ he asked.

  ‘Um, well yes, I can if you want me to,’ she said warily. What was he up to?

  Switching the filter machine on as he sat at the large pine table, Hayley wondered why he’d not said anything about her attempted escape. He’d been in the woods with his wife looking for her, so why was he saying nothing about it?

  At least she was in the warm, she mused, and Belinda wasn’t around to punish her. Perhaps they’d decided she hadn’t been trying to escape, and after a good night’s sleep she could get away from the house the following morning. She knew deep down that she was kidding herself, but there was no other explanation for Michael’s attitude.

  Passing him his coffee, she placed her own on the table and sat opposite him.

  ‘Dave Ruby couldn’t make it,’ he said, sipping his drink, ‘but he might be able to get over here tomorrow.’

  ‘Oh, right,’ Hayley said distractedly, still wondering why he’d not mentioned her futile attempt to get away. She already suspected that Belinda was a bit of a loony, but was Michael the same? ‘About this afternoon,’ she said, watching closely for his response.

  ‘This afternoon?’ he echoed. ‘What about this afternoon?’

  ‘You know, when I left the house and...’

  ‘I spent the best part of the day in the studio,’ he told her. ‘I haven’t a clue what you’ve been doing.’

  Hayley was becoming increasingly baffled by his casual attitude. ‘But I thought you were looking for me.’

  ‘As I said, I’ve been in the studio all day,’ he repeated, shrugging.

  ‘Did Belinda go out looking for me?’ she pressed, curious to know what was going on.

  ‘Did she go out looking for you?’ he looked tired and disinterested. ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘Oh nothing, it’s all right,’ she said hastily, sensing she’d said enough for the moment.

  ‘If Belinda had wanted you she’d have called for you,’ he said, looking somewhat perplexed by her questions. ‘Anyway, Dave’s hoping to get over here in the morning. He suggested that he take you to his place so you can have a look around and see what the job entails.’

  ‘But I’m not allowed to leave the house,’ Hayley said, frowning at him, realising how silly that sounded.

  ‘Belinda doesn’t want you wandering off willy-nilly without permission when she might need you,’ he conceded, ‘but of course you can go to Dave’s place if we know you’ll be taking time off in advance. Why shouldn’t you?’

  ‘Yes, of course,’ she said quietly, unable to understand what was going on, why he seemed oblivious to her escape attempt. Perhaps the pair of them had smoked too many dodgy cigarettes!

  ‘Well, I’d better get to bed,’ she said, eyeing him suspiciously as she finished her coffee.

  ‘I’ll see you in the morning,’ he said.

  ‘Yes, goodnight.’

  Quietly climbing the stairs, Hayley stopped for a moment to listen outside Belinda’s bedroom door. She heard nothing and continued up to her own room, closed the door and sat on the bed. Hadleigh Manor wasn’t just strange, she decided, it was utterly bizarre. Why was Michael making out that he knew nothing about her attempted escape? He’d been calling for her in the house when she was hiding in the wardrobe, she’d seen the both of them on the lawn from the loft window, and she’d later heard him calling again in the woods. Something was going on, she knew as she undressed and slid beneath the quilt, and she didn’t like it. She had a nice warm bed for the night, but she felt deeply troubled. What were the couple up to, and who was the traitorous youth in the woods?

  Switching off the small bedside lamp and staring up through the darkness at the ceiling, her thoughts drifted back to the moment in the woods when she’d touched herself. It had induced delicious sensations, and as she remembered them her hands drifted down across her flat tummy, moving back between her parting thighs.

  A li
ght gasp whispered from between her lips as fingertips lightly touched her clitoris, which responded eagerly. Pondering her time at Hadleigh Manor, she wondered if being spanked had triggered something deep inside her. Her clitoris was calling for her intimate attention with an urgency she’d not known before.

  Massaging the lips of her pussy beneath the cloak of her quilt, her fingertips working on the eager nub of her clitoris, she breathed deeply in her soaring arousal. If nothing else her time at Hadleigh Manor had certainly awoken unknown, dormant desires.

  ‘Ooooh,’ she sighed as she teetered on the verge of her self-induced pleasure, her naked body trembling as she increased her sensual massaging rhythm. She gasped as she slipped her fingers even deeper, parted her thighs further and sank a second finger into her wet vagina. Her inner muscles tightening, gripping her fingers as she let out another gasp of pleasure, she knew that Belinda wanted her fingers inside her like this. Massaging her clitoris with her free hand, she tried to push all thoughts of Belinda to the back of her mind as she continued to stimulate the tight channel of her young pussy. Whatever Belinda wanted she wasn’t going to get, she decided as she neared the apex of her pleasure.

  With her naked body quivering with increasing intensity, the quilt slipped from the bed as her legs tensed and she cried out as her orgasm erupted, her mind blown away on a wind of lust with the image of the erection in the bushes ejaculating, the fist pumping the solid shaft, the sperm jetting from the bulbous purple helmet and splattering on the vegetation covering the ground...

  Trying to stifle her cries of bliss she bit her lip and slowed her hand as her pleasure began to wane. Shaking, gasping, her sated body exhausted, she finally drifted down from her first sexual climax.

  Gazing up at the ceiling as her breathing slowed, she smiled. That was very nice, and helped release a great deal of tension...

  Hayley was up and about early the following morning. Dressed in her short skirt, white blouse, suspenders and stockings, she went down to the kitchen and put on the kettle and popped some bread in the toaster. It was a lovely morning and she actually felt fresh and alive after a good night’s sleep. With excitement coursing through her, she was really looking forward to meeting Dave Ruby the rock star, albeit she was very nervous about it too.