Maid to Serve Page 9
As a teabag brewed in a mug and the bread toasted she tried the backdoor. To her surprise it was open. Perhaps she was no longer a prisoner, she thought ruefully. Now it seemed she was free to leave if she chose to. Stepping out into the yard, the early morning sun warming her, she inhaled the refreshing morning air. Perhaps Belinda had realised that she’d gone too far. Perhaps she realised she’d gone over the top.
Wandering back into the kitchen she buttered her toast, and as she enjoyed it and her tea Michael breezed in.
‘Good morning,’ he said brightly, clapping his hands enthusiastically as he grinned at her. ‘Hopefully Dave will ring soon.’
‘Hopefully,’ Hayley echoed, her stomach somersaulting as she imagined meeting the famous celebrity.
‘By the way,’ he went on, ‘I forgot to mention that Belinda doesn’t know about the new job possibility yet. As far as she’s concerned Dave’s borrowing you to make some refreshments for some people he’s got coming over to his place today. I told her that he has some meeting or other and needs a maid.’
‘Oh, right,’ Hayley said, feeling uncomfortable as she noticed his eyes flitting momentarily to her breasts. ‘I did think it odd that she should allow me to go knowing I might be after a new position.’
‘If Dave does offer you the job, he won’t want you to start for a month or so as he’ll be away on tour,’ he explained. ‘Plus he’ll still want that reference from Belinda. For someone with a bad-boy image like he has, he’s a bit of a stickler like that.’
‘Well that’s going to be a problem then,’ Hayley sighed despondently, ‘because your wife and I are not exactly getting on very well.’
He shrugged. ‘Not necessarily, she’s feeling a lot better than she was.’
‘But what about her threat of calling the police?’ she asked.
‘You leave that to me to sort out for you.’ He smiled reassuringly. ‘I’ll have a word with her later when she gets up. But you’re going to have to do as you’re told at all times from now on. No wandering off where you shouldn’t, no disobedience. You’ll get used to her ways. I know you don’t like my wife and you don’t understand her ways.’
‘Do you understand her ways?’ Hayley asked, although she knew she shouldn’t.
‘No, not really,’ he chuckled. ‘You should do what I do; go along with her just to keep the peace. She’s just a little different to most, Hayley, and that’s what makes her so unique.’
‘You can say that again,’ Hayley agreed, feeling happier for being able to talk about her female boss. ‘I’ve never met anyone like her.’
‘Once you get to know her and her funny ways better you’ll get on just fine with each other. Right,’ he said, clapping his hands again, ‘I’d better get down to the studio. I’ve got work to do.’
‘Would you like some breakfast?’ Hayley offered.
‘No thanks,’ he declined. ‘I’ll see you later, when Dave gets here.’
Stepping back out into the yard, again enjoying the crisp sunshine, Hayley mused that it was a fresh morning and a fresh start, hoping that her problems were behind her now. Deciding to do her best to get on with Belinda, she walked to the archway and gazed across the grass to the woods.
Although the job of housekeeper at Hadleigh Manor was nothing like she’d expected, she reckoned it was up to her to fit in. She had a pleasant room, Michael was nice enough, and Belinda... well, perhaps Belinda was just Belinda and not worth getting so worked up about. She was clearly very eccentric and had to be humoured, at least until she’d secured her new job with Dave Ruby.
Noticing the gardener hovering by the woods, Hayley decided to ignore him. An elusive man who seemed to keep himself to himself, there was no point in trying to get to know him. Walking along the path around the side of the house, she looked down the drive. The gates were open; she was no longer a prisoner. Why the change? Perhaps she had overreacted and misread the situation, she thought, making her way back to the kitchen. But then events at Hadleigh Manor had made her react that way.
‘Ah, Hayley,’ Belinda said at that moment, disturbing the girl’s thoughts as she walked into the kitchen. ‘I have some instructions for you.’
‘Yes, ma’am?’ Hayley asked, actually keen to have something to do. So far her duties at Hadleigh Manor had been very few and far between, and already boredom threatened to set in – when she wasn’t incurring the wrath of her mistress, that is. But the instructions were not quite what she was expecting.
‘When you’re at Dave’s place don’t speak unless spoken to,’ the woman instructed her. ‘You must be polite and attentive at all times, of course. The trick is to be there in case you’re needed, but keep a low profile. Rather like children should be: seen but not heard. I’ll take a suitable dress up to your room a little later for you to wear, and in the meantime I’d like you to polish out in the hall and the stairs. And the carpet needs vacuuming.’
‘Yes, ma’am,’ Hayley said, unable to believe the change in the house. Everything seemed far more civil and far more... normal.
‘And there’s a vase of dead flowers on the hall table,’ the woman added. ‘Do you think it’s a good idea to display dead flowers?’
‘No, ma’am,’ Hayley acknowledged. ‘I’ll cut some fresh ones from the garden.’
‘Right, I’ll go and sort out a dress for you that’s suitable for your day at Dave’s.’
Taking the vacuum cleaner from the cupboard, Hayley dragged the machine into the hall and plugged it in. Belinda certainly was a strange woman, she mused, taking the vase of wilting flowers into the kitchen. She seemed to change with the wind; normal one minute and crazy the next. Was she schizophrenic? That would explain everything, she thought, dumping the flowers in the bin and washing out the vase. A schizophrenic lesbian? What an unfortunate combination.
Having cut some beautiful fresh flowers from the garden she arranged them and placed the vase on the hall table before opening the front door to let some fresh air in, and vacuuming the hall carpet, she began to feel that at last she’d settled in to Hadleigh Manor. Arranging the flowers, doing the housework, this was what she’d expected the job and her daily routine to entail, and thoughts of leaving were fading now that the doors and the main gates were open. As long as Belinda behaved normally she was quite happy to stay on at the manor. There was no need to imprison her. But was it possible for Belinda to behave normally?
Vacuuming the stairs, Hayley became acutely aware that she was getting turned on, and couldn’t understand why that might be. But it was too intense to ignore, so switching off the hoover she made her way up to her room and closed the door behind her. Grabbing her hairbrush from the dressing table she lay on the bed, and with her skirt pulled up over the smooth plateau of her stomach, her legs spread wide, she slipped the end of the handle between her sex lips.
‘Ooooh,’ she breathed, easing the handle deep into her vagina, feeling her juices of arousal seep from her sex. She arched her back and let out a rush of breath, whispering another gasp of pleasure as her young body became rigid. Teetering on the brink of her climax she massaged her clitoris and pumped the brush faster.
‘Yesss...’ she cried as an explosion of pleasure erupted within and her vagina gripped the pistoning phallus like a velvet vice. Again and again waves of pure sexual bliss crashed through her trembling body as she sustained her incredible pleasure. She heard someone calling through the mists of her mind, a female voice, urgent and demanding, but repeatedly thrusting the hairbrush handle deep into her spasming vagina, massaging her clitoris with her vibrating fingertips, she was oblivious to the door swinging open.
‘Is this what you call housework?’ Belinda asked, standing in the doorway.
‘Oh...’ Hayley gasped, pulling the wooden phallus from her clutching sex. ‘I was... I was just...’
‘I could see what you were just,’ the woman scornfully snapped as Hayl
ey scrambled off the bed. ‘How often do you masturbate?’
‘I... I don’t,’ Hayley whimpered, tugging her skirt down in an effort to conceal her pussy.
‘Don’t lie to me, girl. How often do you use your hairbrush like that?’
‘That was the first time,’ she confessed, hanging her head in shame.
‘If I believed that I’d believe anything,’ the woman said dismissively. ‘Go down to the kitchen and open the cupboard beneath the sink.’
Hayley didn’t know what she was talking about.
‘You’ll find something quite useful there.’
‘Useful, ma’am?’
‘Yes, Hayley, useful. When you’ve found it you can get on with the housework.’
‘Yes, ma’am.’
‘And I’ll be talking to you later about this behaviour, young lady.’
‘Yes, ma’am.’
Leaving her room and going down to the kitchen, Hayley felt her heart racing, her face burning with embarrassment. To be caught masturbating like that was shameful, it was awful. Wondering how she could face Belinda again, she knelt down and opened the cupboard door beneath the sink. Cleaning materials, dusters, bleach... wondering what was supposed to be useful, she pulled out a small cardboard box and opened the lid. Candles? Was that what Belinda had meant?
Taking one from the box she gripped it in her hand. Smooth and silky, it was about eight inches long and almost two inches in diameter, and Hayley immediately knew what Belinda had in mind as she slipped the box back into the cupboard. Standing up she gazed at the candle, her clitoris stirring, her vaginal muscles tightening, and wondered why Belinda had sent her to look for the candles if she was disgusted with her behaviour. Placing it on the table she went into the hall to carry on with her work, and trying not to image the candle filling her tight vagina, she again had the feeling she was being watched. She looked around the hall. There was no one there, but a dull thud coming from the dining room caught her attention. Crossing the hall she peered around the door, but there was no one there, she thought, glancing around the room.
‘Ah, Hayley,’ Michael said, appearing behind her. ‘I’m afraid Dave can’t make it this morning after all. He’s just phoned.’
‘Oh,’ Hayley sighed. Although disappointed she might have guessed he wouldn’t turn up.
‘He’ll try to get over tomorrow.’
‘I don’t suppose he’ll be able to make it tomorrow or the next day,’ she said despondently.
‘Yes he will,’ Michael insisted. ‘Don’t look so down in the dumps. Have you seen Belinda yet this morning?’
Hayley nodded.
‘Is she all right?’
‘She...’ Hayley felt terrible about what the woman had discovered her doing, ‘yes, she’s fine.’
‘You’re not in trouble again, are you?’ Michael probed.
‘No, it’s just that... I need a lock on my door, please.’
‘A lock?’ He looked amused by the comment. ‘Okay, I’ll see what I can do.’
‘As soon as possible, if that’s all right.’
‘Yes, of course, but what’s happened? Tell me.’
‘Nothing,’ she said evasively. ‘It’s just that I’d like a little more privacy than I currently have.’
‘Oh,’ he smiled knowingly and winked, ‘I understand.’
‘Michael, I’m going to take a walk around the grounds, if you don’t mind,’ she said, wanting to change the subject about her reasons for wanting a lock on her bedroom door. ‘I have a headache coming on and I need some fresh air.’
Leaving through the front door of the house, Hayley made her way down the steps and breathed in the summer air. The main gates were open in the distance at the end of the drive. Walking around the side of the house she neared the trees where she’d hidden like a fugitive on the run. She sat on a log and gazed back at the huge house. The job certainly wasn’t what she’d expected, she’d not seen one musician let alone a whole rock band, she reflected, and there were no proper meal times or any routine to adhere to, despite what she’d been told at her interview.
Hearing a rustling sound she turned and looked into the woods, and seeing a little rabbit scurrying into the undergrowth she relaxed and smiled. She was becoming paranoid about being watched. No one was there, no one was spying on her. She slipped down onto the grass and lay on her back, watching the swallows flying high above her. She’d have liked to be a bird, she mused, flying high and free without a care in the world.
Closing her eyes, the sun warming her, she drifted in and out of a light doze. Images of Belinda wielding her open palm loomed in her mind, merging into pictures of handcuffs and candles that tormented her. She could feel the muscles of her pussy tightening as she dreamed of slipping a candle deep into her sex. Her juices gathered again, her legs lolled apart, and she was oblivious to the world.
Her fingers slipping dreamily between the fleshy lips of her sex, she moaned softly in her sleep as she massaged her clitoris. Dave Ruby appeared through the mist of her dreams. He walked into the house and gazed at her bottom as she bent to do her housework. He stood behind her, stroking her buttocks with his fingertips, sending ripples of pleasure through her young body. She turned and smiled at him. He lifted her skirt, his dark eyes gazing into hers, then suddenly she wore no knickers and he was pushing the swollen plum of his penis between the engorged petals of her inner lips. She swayed on her sagging legs as his solid shaft entered her, filling her wet sex.
Waking with a start Hayley sat up and looked about. Had she heard something? Had someone been spying on her? Shaking her head she stood up and adjusted her skirt as best she could, wondering how long she’d been asleep. Belinda would go mad if she’d been too long, she thought fearfully, making her way back to the house. Was she in for another gruelling spanking?
Wandering into the kitchen she checked the clock. She’d been gone for an hour; an hour too long, she feared, wondering where Belinda was lurking.
‘It’s time for our talk, Hayley,’ the woman announced, walking into the kitchen just at that moment.
‘Yes, ma’am,’ Hayley said, thankful that her boss didn’t seem to be in a bad mood. They sat at the table, that candle lying between them, its presence making her blush with shame.
‘Now then, I want you to tell me what you were doing masturbating,’ Belinda said to her.
‘I don’t masturbate, ma’am,’ Hayley protested. ‘Well, what I mean is...’
‘You weren’t masturbating?’ Belinda chuckled sarcastically. ‘So what do you call using a hairbrush handle on yourself like you were?’
Hayley lowered her eyes shamefully. ‘Masturbation, ma’am,’ she admitted, ‘but what I meant was...’
‘What you meant was that you feel ashamed,’ Belinda spoke for her. ‘But there’s no need to be. Be open and truthful with me. Tell me all about it. As you may have gathered, I’m extremely interested.’
Hayley felt her face flush even more, sure now that the woman was a lesbian as she watched her lick her full lips provocatively, and knew there was no point in telling lies.
‘Well?’ Belinda prompted, her wide eyes reflecting keen expectation.
‘There’s nothing to tell, really,’ Hayley murmured sheepishly.
‘Very well, I’ll not force you to elaborate if you’re not comfortable to do so,’ Belinda said, her amiable attitude a pleasant surprise for the blushing girl. ‘And I’m sure that you have work to be getting on with. We’ll talk again later, Hayley, when you’re ready to.’
Sighing as Belinda left the kitchen, Hayley wondered where this was leading to. There was something very wrong with Belinda, she mused, walking into the hall to carry on vacuuming the stairs, and depraved in the extreme.
Chapter 6
Putting the vacuum cleaner away she grabbed a duster and a can of polish, shame and guilt still consumin
g her, and headed for the dining room to clean in there. She needed some time alone to think, to reflect on her fledgling life at Hadleigh, and hoped Belinda would give her a few hours off. She was desperate to get away from the house for a while, to walk in the woods and try to understand her feelings, her emotions.
‘We’ll have to get someone else.’ Belinda’s voice drifted out from the study. ‘She simply doesn’t fit in here.’
‘Perhaps you’re right,’ Michael sighed.
Hayley frowned as she listened at the door. Were they planning to get rid of her?
‘Leave it to me, Michael. I’ll see what I can do. But we’d better not say anything to her just yet.’
Slipping into the dining room Hayley placed the polish and duster on the table and sighed. That was it, she thought, her feelings mixed. After only a few days she was deemed no good. So much for her probation period – she’d hardly had a chance. But perhaps it would be best to go home and return to her old job at the bakery. If nothing else, Hadleigh Manor had been an experience she’d never forget.
‘Hayley,’ Michael said, entering the room and interrupting her thoughts. ‘How are you getting on?’
‘Fine,’ she replied.
‘This is a big house,’ he went on. ‘It’s a lot of work for you to cope with alone.’
‘Yes it is, but I’ll manage well enough once I’ve settled in to a routine,’ she said. ‘Or are you trying to tell me something?’
‘No, no,’ he insisted, ‘I was just thinking about how much work you have to do, that’s all.’
‘Right, well then, I’d better get on,’ she said somewhat abruptly, annoyed that he didn’t tell her what was on his mind.